Target: Oliver Crosthwaite-Eyre, Chairman of the New Forest National Park Authority
Goal: Praise plan for mending the struggling waterways of the United Kingdom.
Conservationists in New Forest have announced plans to mend the United Kingdom’s waterways through a process known as “rewetting.” Said process involves adding more bends and meanders to the rivers and streams, slowing the water’s flow to prevent flooding and improving the habitats of wildlife. This is a sharp contrast to decades ago, when these rivers and streams were straightened and vegetation was removed to increase the water flow; this proved to do more harm than good, endangering various wildlife and causing mass property damage via flooding.
The UK’s water situation overall has been a nightmare in recent years. Streams have run dry, reservoirs have been drained by everyday water usage, rivers have been reduced to nothing but thick mud and pollution. Water shortages not only put the local fish and wildlife at risk, but impede the growth and well-being of plant life. Petitions such as this one have been circulated to demand the situation change. Now, after many demands, it finally will. The rewetting process will be a slow one, with 10 years allotted to see it through, but even slow, small changes are changes. Over time, the complexities added to these bodies of water will improve the quality of the flow and hopefully the lives of all living creatures.
It is wonderful to know that the water situation in the UK is finally being addressed. Sign this petition to praise and support this wonderful plan.
Dear Chairman Crosthwaite-Eyre,
We deeply appreciate your plans to add more bends and complexities to the rivers and streams, improving the quality of the flow of water throughout forests and other areas. The water situation in the UK has been an overall nightmare, with flooding due to excessively fast water flow as well as rivers, streams, and reservoirs running dry and putting many species of fish at risk. While this rewetting plan will be a slow and steady process, it is one the UK sorely needs.
Thank you for proposing this solution. Clean and abundant water is important to all living creatures, rivers and streams are an integral part of the beauty of nature. A slower flow with more bends and meanders will reduce the property damage caused by flooring, and benefit the health of the fish living in them as well as the surrounding plant life. Your efforts are sorely needed and deeply appreciated.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: 12019
Thank you for recognizing the importance of keeping nature alive!