Success: German Forest Saved From Destruction

Target: André Kuper, President of the Parliment of North Rhine-Westphalia

Goal: Praise court decision to preserve German forest threatened by coal mine construction.

Hundreds of acres of natural land have been preserved in a major win against the destruction of the coal industry. An official court decision in Germany has suspended plans for an energy company to expand a coal mine in the Hambach forest. Last year, the RWE firm declared its intentions to wipe out the entire forest, making plans for clearing 500 acres, not expecting the issue to be taken to court until 2020. It was their eviction of activists from a tree-house and the death of a local journalist in the area that fanned sympathy for the cause to preserve Hambach.

While this is only one step in the plan to stop coal mines from sullying the natural beauty of the wilderness, it is a very important step. Thousands of acres of forest worldwide have been destroyed for various reasons, and the coal industry is doing everything it can to force a comeback despite public knowledge of the dangers associated with fossil fuels. Petitions such as this one have been circulated to protect the Hambach forest from becoming another casualty of the industry.

There is still a long way to go in phasing out coal and shutting down the industry for good, but the preservation of the Hambach forest is a major victory and a step in the right direction. Sign this petition to thank the courts for siding with the activists over the big business.


Dear President Kuper,

Thank you for saving the Hambach forest from destruction by suspending the RWE’s plans to build a coal mine in the area. We have already lost too many forests to industrialization and dangerous power plants. Meanwhile, anti-coal activists have been working hard to save whatever land they can from the industry.

Coal is one of the most dangerous fossil fuels in existence, and the coal industry has been relentless in its attempt at a comeback. While halting plans for a mine in Hambach is only the first step, it is an important one. Thank you for listening to the concerns of the people over the demands of big business. It is deeply appreciated.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Infoletta Hambach


  1. Angela Carroll says:

    Es freut mich zu hoeren das der Hamback Wald nicht in ein Kohlen wasteland gemacht wird. Die Probleme mit klimawandel und Umweltverschmutzung sind schon schlimm genug. Als Deutsche ansaessig in Amerika habe ich oft Heimweh nach den wundervollen Natur die wir in Deutschland haben. Wir muessen das unbedingt bewahren.

  2. gen agustsson says:

    save the rest of the forests!

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  • Michelle Blackley
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