Target: Cathleen Galgiani, California State Senator
Goal: Praise decision that bans the sale of cosmetic products that were made using animal testing throughout California.
Fewer animals may have to suffer as a result of the brutal practice of animal testing thanks to California lawmakers who have decided to ban all cosmetic products that have been produced in this manner. After receiving a passionate response from animal welfare advocates and the online community, including a petition on ForceChange, this bill has passed unanimously, and could spare thousands of innocent animals from torture or death.
California has been seen as a leader in compassionate lawmaking for years, which means that a decision such as this has groundbreaking potential. Given the fact that there are many testing methods available that do not involve injecting or force feeding harmful chemicals into animals, there is simply no need for this barbarity to continue in the modern world.
As the most populous U.S. state with one of the world’s largest economies, manufacturers will have no choice but to change their practices to remain competitive in the market. Sign this petition to show your support for this decision that could help bring an end to cosmetic animal testing once and for all.
Dear Senator Galgiani,
The newly passed ban on any cosmetic products or components developed using animal testing is a landmark decision that will likely have an enormous impact. As a direct result of this action, manufacturers will have no choice but to seek more ethical means of cosmetic testing to remain competitive.
You and the other members of the California State Senate have recognized that there are far more benefits in embracing cruelty-free cosmetics than in allowing the barbaric practice of cosmetic animal testing to continue. This decision will help further scientific research in more ethical directions and push the cosmetics industry as a whole to improve the way they do business. Above all, far few animals will have to suffer or die in such an inhumane way. Because of this, I wish to express my sincere appreciation for ensuring that California will join the growing list of governing bodies that have already enacted similar bans.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Benny Mazur
stop testing animals worldwide!