Target: Brandon Birmingham, Judge of Dallas County’s 292nd District Court
Goal: Praise guilty verdict for former Texas cop charged with killing a black teenager.
Former Texas police officer Roy Oliver has officially been convicted of murdering black teen Jordan Edwards after a lengthy trial. Oliver had shot and killed Edwards in April 2017, upon spotting the boy leaving a party with a car full of friends; he was fired and charged with murder 15 days later. Public outcry over the boy’s death was immense, with petitions such as this one being circulated.
It is a great relief that a police officer is being held legally accountable for his actions. In too many similar cases over the past near-decade, officers have gotten away with a simple slap on the wrist for their murder of black males, and with the trend continuing alongside a rise in racial profiling, the fact that a white officer is officially guilty of his crime is a beacon of hope in a society that seems to be backsliding in regards to civil rights.
While this verdict will not restore the life that was lost, justice has been served for Edwards and his family. Sign this petition to thank the courts for this verdict.
Dear Judge Birmingham,
Thank you for finally declaring former officer Roy Oliver guilty for the murder of Jordan Edwards. Too many black teenagers have lost their lives to white officers who deem them dangerous based on the color of their skin; this extreme racial profiling has made a horrific comeback over the past near-decade, and too many officers have gotten away with their misdeeds.
While a guilty verdict will not restore Edwards’s life, it is a relief to see justice finally served after over a year. Your aid in ensuring Oliver will face the consequences of his actions is much appreciated and serves as a beacon of hope in trying times.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Otto Yamamoto
stop killing africans!