Target: Ingrid Newkirk, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) President
Goal: Applaud the four high-profile companies that have committed to ending animal testing, and encourage PETA to urge other corporations to follow suit.
Following talks with PETA, four major food and drink companies are ending cruel animal testing and experiments, sparing the lives of countless innocent mice and rats. Nissin Foods Holdings, Satake Corporation, Suntory Holdings, and Toyo Suisan Kaisha have all enacted new policies to ban unnecessary and horrific animal testing they had previously conducted or funded. These experiments included force feeding the animals, starving them for up to 18 hours, restraining them in tubes, making them jump from hot plates, electrocuting them, breaking their necks and dissecting their bodies.
These four companies, which together have annual sales of over $27 billion, own well-known food and beverage brands such as Top Ramen, Magic Rice and Magic Pasta, Jim Beam and Maker’s Mark, and Maruchan. PETA reported the news of these critical bans after months of discussion with the companies, which now join a growing list of corporations that have ended this horrible animal cruelty following talks with PETA. PETA’s Vice President Shalin Gala stated, “These major companies did the right thing in ditching cruel and wasteful animal experiments. PETA is calling on other industry leaders to join this growing trend and switch to modern, non-animal research methods that provide human-relevant results and don’t cause animals suffering.” Sign below to support this major victory and encourage PETA to continue its vital work in stopping inhumane animal testing.
Dear President Newkirk,
PETA’s tireless efforts to protect the lives of innocent animals are paying off, and this momentum must continue. The decision of four major food and beverage corporations to ban cruel and needless animal experimentation is a huge victory that will save innumerable mice and rats from torture and death.
Thank you for your discussions with Nissin Foods Holdings, Satake Corporation, Suntory Holdings, and Toyo Suisan Kaisha that led to these critical new policies. I support the work that you do, and encourage PETA’s continued dedication to calling on companies like these to end their cruel and inhumane practices.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Rama, Wikimedia Commons, Cc-by-sa-2.0-fr
Stop with the medieval practice grow the f****** up!
Testing is for aiding humans. Death row is packed. Use them
Thank you Ingrid Newkirk and PETA for all of your efforts to guide the human race towards treating other sentient life as humanely as we wish to treated.