Success: Washington State Protects Wild Salmon and Orcas from Extinction

Target: Jay Inslee, Governor of the state of Washington

Goal: Support the protection of the Puget Sound’s endangered orcas and wild salmon via a government executive order.

Two endangered species found in Washington’s Puget Sound no longer face possible extinction. Thanks to an executive order signed by the governor of the state of Washington, Puget Sound orcas—whose population is currently the lowest it’s been in thirty years—and their main food source the Chinook salmon have a better chance at survival. Petitions like this one illustrate threats the salmon face, and as their population declines, so too does the population of the orcas. And, as the governor stated at a news conference, “The destiny of salmon and orca and we humans are intertwined. As the orca go, so go we.”

The executive order signed by the governor requires state agencies to take immediate action, outlining a strategy for the long-term survival of both the salmon and the orca. Plans include a decrease in pollution and noise from vessel traffic, and the creation of a task force that has until November to put forward a final report. The task force will include state agencies, tribal leaders, members of local and federal government, and others to ensure that action will be taken at all levels. Sign below to aupport this humane and responsible action that will benefit Puget Sound wildlife as well as humanity.


Dear Governor Inslee,

Thank you for taking a stand in order to protect invaluable Puget Sound wildlife—particularly the endangered Chinook salmon and Puget Sound orca. As you stated, our destinies are intertwined with these creatures, and they must be protected and preserved.

The population of the Puget Sound orca is the lowest it has been in 3 decades. This is tied inextricably with the threats to Chinook salmon, their main source of food. Your executive order—requiring action aimed at the long-term survival of both species on local, regional, and federal levels—is an inclusive and responsible fulfillment of your duties. I support this executive order and thank you for your commitment to protecting the future of salmon, orca, and humans.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Mike Charest


  1. Irena Broermann says:

    “Tiere können nicht für sich selbst sprechen. Und deshalb ist es so wichtig, dass wir als Menschen unsere Stimme für sie erheben und uns für sie einsetzen.” (Gillian Anderson)

  2. Irena Broermann says:

    “Dass das Wort Tierschutz einmal erfunden werden musste, ist wohl eine der blamabelsten Angelegenheiten der menschlichen Gesellschaft.” (Theodor Heuss Bundespräsident 1949 – 1959)

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453 Signatures

  • Vincent L
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Flora Psarianos
  • Alice Rim
  • Evan Jane Kriss
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Lore Goldstein
  • Rebecca Elliott
  • Emilia Bradley
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