Target: Lisa Madigan, Attorney General of Illinois
Goal: Applaud guilty verdict for Illinois teen charged with torturing puppy and leaving him for dead.
Damien Ingram was found guilty of animal torture eight months after slashing a puppy’s throat and leaving him for dead. Ingram claimed that the animal was sick and he intended to ‘put him out of his misery;’ thankfully, the dog survived and has made a full recovery under the care of the Humane Society.
The dog had been slashed across the throat and back prior to being stuffed in a bag and left in a ditch. It is a miracle that the animal survived. Public outcry was immediate as vets and police called it it “one of the worst cases of animal abuse [they’ve] ever seen” and remarked on how it was “something you would never expect to see.” Petitions such as this one on ForceChange demanded justice for the innocent dog and immediate punishment for the teen.
It is a sad thing that animal cruelty continues to run rampant despite the best efforts to tighten the laws and enforce stronger punishments, but when one of those stronger punishments is enforced properly, it can still be considered a victory. Sign this petition to thank Illinois’ court for handing down the deserved verdict.
Dear Attorney General Madigan,
Eight months after mutilating a puppy and leaving him tied up in a bag to die in a ditch, Damien Ingram has finally been found guilty of animal torture and aggravated cruelty. Though the dog ultimately survived, vets and police called the incident “one of the worst cases of animal abuse [they’ve] ever seen.’
With animal abuse still running rampant, all guilty verdicts handed down to the abusers are welcome. It is sad that people continue to commit such acts despite the best efforts to put an end to it, but it is comforting to know that the justice system will do the right thing and punish the culprits as severely as they deserve. Thank you for helping to ensure that Ingram faces justice for his actions.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Henry County Humane Society
I hope he will be mauled everyday in prison!!!
Tanaka, Thank you for taking the words right out of my mouth ECACTLY!!
For the future safety of not only animals but people too this young man needs to be punished and receive counseling.
Good! Justice is served.
Yes but what did he get? How much time in jail?
Was it a fine, time, community service what?
I’m hoping jail for at least 5 years but I don’t see that
Tanaka, Thank you for taking the words right out of my mouth EXACTLY!!
Ms. Lisa Madigan, Attorney General of Illinois. Thank you for ensuring the person who committed this horrendous act is being held accountable for his actions. There is no sentence posted; I hope he is facing significant jail time. I wondered why this is so and I did some research. The person who committed this crime is only 17, and the puppy was only 6 weeks old. His sentencing is May 8, and we will be watching. Imagine the terror and suffering this puppy endured, and fight for a jail term that will hopefully deter him from torturing other animals as well as humans. Thank you.
That vile psychotic excrement belongs in prison. This is a vicious deviant and his dark heart and the dark sewer of his mind is programmed to continue in this way. A wretch like this is motivated by hatred and anger and is a danger to any individual animal or human that gets in his way. The suffering of that poor puppy is hard to imagine. There is a special place in hell for filth like .
It doesn’t matter what the age is, anybody found abusing any animal should be evaluated and get an appropriate punishment. Animal abuse by anyone is NEVER right. Sad this happened.
This juvenile excuse of a human is beyond repair.
Some humans are just evil and should be treated in a way to protect the rest of the world of their presence.
no matter what developmental stage you’re in, criminal is punished for the crimes.
“If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.” Albert Einstein
“Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character; and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.” Authur Schopenhauer
“If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.” St. Francis of Assisi
What is his punishment?
So what is the punishment?
10 hours of community work? A slap on his little wrist? Or 20 years of hard labor?
Don’t hide information!
Signed & shared.
This teen is already dehumanized and dangerous..he should always be monitored and never be allowed around animals or children after he serves his sentence ..!He should be required to always go to psychiatric rehab if he gets out of jail after serving his sentence.
Dear AG Madigan : THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU — great Decision made with rationality, compassion & morality — let’s ensure the teen’s penalties are severe — so he’ll NEVER repeat such horror — EVER! — Still with much work to be done, the following is a SUCCESS story — the little-idiot-teen monster was found GUILTY — what’s more, the tortured dog, enveloped in a bag & left in a ditch for dead, made a full recovery and today is with loving, caring people. — Again, let’s ensure the teen’s penalties are SEVERE — so he’ll NEVER repeat such horror — EVER!
This is the only way to get the ball rolling toward properly punishing animal cruelty monsters. We need to set precedents lawyers and judges can use in future court cases and this is the way to go about it. Thank you with all my heart Ms. Madigan. You are awesome!!
Unfortunately, it appears that the signatures were not accepted? http://www.starcourier.com/news/20171026/dog-abuse-case-will-be-tried-in-adult-court
“Despite the 62,539 signatures obtained and turned in to the state’s attorney’s office, Judge Patton did not allow them into evidence, saying he had to make his decision based on the facts of the case and the law, not on public opinion.”
Thrilled he was convicted however.
Agree all comments slash his throat if you cant look after and treat animals or take them to a vet when sick don’t fuckin have one.