Target: Greg Willis, District Attorney for Collin County, Texas
Goal: Applaud harsh penalty given to man found guilty of stomping a young puppy to death.
A man who threw a boxer mix puppy against a wall and then stomped on him so that he sustained fatal injuries will be imprisoned for a long time thanks to the efforts of Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis. The case drew widespread public outrage, as evidenced by online petitions like this one on ForceChange. Sign this petition to express your support for this decision, which demonstrates that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.
Andrew Callaway has been sentenced to spend 12 years in prison for having beaten and stomped a boxer puppy named Diesel so violently that he had to be euthanized. Both of Diesel’s hips and legs were severely fractured. Veterinarians had hoped to save his life by performing a series of operations, but ultimately the decision was made to humanely end his suffering.
While sending Callaway to prison will not bring back this innocent animal’s life, it is an important signal to other would-be abusers that such acts of savagery are not without consequence. Sign this petition to thank the district attorney in this case for seeking the harshest possible penalty.
Dear District Attorney Willis,
As you are aware, a puppy was subjected to a cruel and untimely death after a Wylie area man named Andrew Callaway threw him against the wall and stomped him to death, crushing the lower half of his body. This horrendous crime sent shock waves of grief and outrage throughout the community and worldwide. While there is no punishment severe enough to right this awful wrong, your decision to seek the harshest possible sentence for Mr. Callaway was the best way to ensure that justice would be served.
The fact that Callaway has been found guilty and will now spend the next 12 years in prison not only means that he will be unable to cause harm to any animals during this time, it also sends an important message to other would-be animal abusers. We, the undersigned, want to thank you for making sure that this act of extreme cruelty did not go unpunished.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Wylie Police Department
Hope the mofo gets a 400lb animal loving cellmate who beats him daily❗️😠
Signed & shared 😊
Bloody yippppeeeee!! I hope he does every second of his sentence and has somebody jumping on his head every minute of it too!!!
Amen to that!
LOL That would be wonderful!
agree 100%
Certainly wouldn’t be thanks to YOUR actions Force Change. I’ve never known you yet present a bloody petition. All you’re good for is collecting people’s personal details. Then jumping on the bandwagon of others’ success. I’ve signed petitions of yours years ago and they are still current.
“If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.” Albert Einstein
“Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character; and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.” Authur Schopenhauer
“If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.” St. Francis of Assisi
I hope that he is not released before time given!
May he have a rotten time in jail!
Hang the bastards by the balls
I LOVE when the law actually works for the benefit of abused animals. BRAVO!
I hope he gets beaten up in prison. Like for like . Happy justice was done here. Poor little dog in the hands of evil
I am so glad he is being punished BUT IT WILL NOT BRING THE LITTLE PUPPY BACK. . The brute deserves Capital Punishment
This should be mandatory to any person abusing any animal.
I hope he gets the treatment he gave to the little puppy doled out to him in jail by cellmates.
I hope he gets raped everyday!
I hope this weak coward little bitch has a large chunk of man meat in every orafice all day every day til he dies. May he never make it out alive. Every piece of filth who has done this should face the same fate.
Sounds good to me!
Then let the men inside finish what he deserves to get. Please kindly make him pay what he did to the little helpless sweet baby
Finally some justification! Thank you dear Judge!
Hope the boys give him a taste of his own medicine.
More Judges like Greg Willis are desperately needed in this world overrun by filthy evil scum that are constantly getting away with horrendous Animal torturing & murdering. Thank You Judge Willis..
Hope this putrid Animal killer is raped & beaten every single day of his life in prison. Life sentence is what we all know is necessary!!!! For ALL THESE DISGUSTING EXCUSES FOR HUMAN BEINGS!!