Target: Cathleen Galigiana, California State Senator
Goal: Support legislation that punishes and curtails the distribution of products tested on animals.
California is leading the way for another significant victory against animal testing in the cosmetics and personal care industries. Committed advocates like the Forever Against Animal Testing campaign and the united voices in this ForceChange petition have loudly and strongly called for an end to inhumane animal testing in consumer products. Three states, including California, have answered the call by banning manufacturer animal testing within their state borders. The progressive legislators of California aim to take an even more significant step by abolishing the sale of cosmetic and care products that utilize animal testing.
The California Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act would prohibit “any cosmetic manufacturer from importing or selling any cosmetic, including personal hygiene products such as deodorant, shampoo, or conditioner, in California if the final product or any component of the product was tested on animals.” The measure, introduced by California Senator Cathleen Galigiana last year, has earned widespread support from many organizations, including the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and cruelty-free product manufacturers who have long maintained that humane alternatives to animal testing exist. The act also picked up broad bipartisan support in the state legislature.
While such testing has been removed from the production process by many companies, many more still use these cruel processes. This resolution is so significant because it provides a financial incentive for companies to explore better testing options while penalizing those that do not. Modeled after guidelines imposed by the United States’ biggest trading ally, the European Union, this promising proposal is one that California leaders hope will serve as a standard for future US Congressional action on animal testing.
Sign this petition to encourage the proactive efforts of California in ending animal testing and to support their drive to make this initiative a successful model for the rest of the country.
Dear Senator Galigiana,
Thank you for becoming an unwavering advocate for every living being in your state and beyond. The California Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act is a revolutionary and immensely heartening step forward in the fight against outdated practices that have harmed so many.
By banning the import and sale of animal-tested products, you are sending a strong message and a stronger punishment to manufacturers that rely on California as a significant profit-maker. This incentive will prove incredibly beneficial in motivating these worldwide manufacturers to affect needed change in their policies and processes. As such, the impact of this act will reverberate not only in California but across the country and across the world. As a result, untold numbers of vulnerable and innocent animals can be saved.
Please continue being an ambassador for these living beings and take every measure needed to ensure that this positive model may one day be a fixture for the entire country. You have the support of every American citizen who values all life.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Linda Bartlett
no more animal testing. we humans can only test on ourselves!
THANK YOU, for such a GREAT news! I been using non cruelty products for many years now, it is hard to find them, but if you look for them, you will find them. If we as a consumer demand for cruelty free products they have to listen. Then our little sweet friends would NOT suffer, and animal lovers like me can live with in peace!