Target: Janine Smith, Chief Crown Prosecutor for Northamptonshire, England
Goal: Demand that the person who stole, mutilated, and killed a family cat receive the maximum penalty under law.
A cat was mutilated and killed in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The cat was dismembered and the head, limbs, and ears were sent back to the owner in a bag. Demand justice for this poor cat.
“Rusty was a beloved pet and the family is understandably devastated,” stated PC Andrew Glover of the Northamptonshire Police Department. Rusty, a 1-year-old ginger cat, was taken from the area and the cat’s head, limbs, and ears were returned in a bag. Rusty’s mutilated body was left on the doorstep of the owner’s family home and discovered by the owner’s 14-year-old daughter. Rusty’s death comes just days after the owner’s other cat was found dead and burned. Police have not confirmed if these incidents are related.
The Northamptonshire police are investigating and they have asked for any witnesses to come forward. They do not yet have any suspects. Sign below and demand that the person responsible be charged and assigned the maximum penalty under law.
Dear Chief Prosecutor Smith,
A beloved cat was brutally killed in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The cat’s head, ears, and limbs were removed and sent to the owner in a bag. We demand justice for this innocent cat.
The owner’s 14-year-old daughter found Rusty’s mutilated body on her doorstep not long after the cat disappeared. The 1-year-old ginger cat’s head, ears, and limbs were missing and later returned to the owner in a bag. Rusty died just days after the owner’s other cat was found burned and dead. Police have not confirmed any relation between the incidents.
This horrific cruelty must be punished. We demand that you charge the person responsible and seek the maximum penalty under law.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Northamptonshire Police
Your community will not be safe until this monster is caught and it’s up to law enforcement and ANYONE who knows something about this horrible crime to do that!
Why why why??? I am so sorry Rusty…my prayers to this horrified family…
May this monster be caught immediately so that he cannot inflict this hell on any other innocent creature.
Although as others have pointed out, why they did not think to take Rusty in after their other cat was murdered is beyond me.
I hope Rusty and his cat brother are enjoying heaven right now <3
Ifthis is the 2nd cat killed police need to be questioning everyone, find and kill the piece of shit who did this
I hope the bastard dies a slow, painful & miserable death❗️?
Signed & shared ?
I hope the bastard dies a slow, painful & miserable death❗️?
Signed & shared ?
I’m curious to know the demographics of the community. It was reported earlier that some of the religious population doesn’t want dogs seen in public because they’re dirty quote is this the same with cats? Maybe check those Democratic and narrow down your search and start paying attention to what’s really going on and your freedoms that could be lost and are being violated. This person must be cost. This person’s name should be listed on an international animal abusers list just like any other predator and abuser, pedophile, child molester, and perpetrator of domestic violence. This person should be embarrassed publicly and all the magazines in media. This person should be punished severely. Do the right thing this is just an indication of the infiltration of violence, and terrorism in your community England no less. Celebrate the birth of your new Prince by stopping this kind of sickness and your community. Good luck.
I know that dogs are considered dirty by Moslems who won’t allow them inside their home. On the other hand, cats are welcome because their prophet liked them and allowed them to roam in mosques.
Execute this bastard, dismember him and grind his parts into cat food.
U.K. Owners need to stop letting their cats out! If the cats were indoors, then that narrows down who the killer is.
U.K. Police need to get down on these killers. After they’re bored with animals, they will move on to children and adults.
I am not in the least surprised that this was in the U.K. I’ve never seen more killing and torture of cats outside of Yulin china than I have in the U.K. You people are Neanderthals.
It’s also important to keep your cats indoors!!!
This person needs to be found and permanently eliminated
from society before he commits further barbaric and evil acts against animals and likely humans. Do ALL you can
to find him and bring justice to the owners of the cats and community at large.
As a matter of public security for your community, it is obvious this criminal has absolutely no respect for living beings and it’s only question of time before a child or any person would be attacked. You need to make an arrest and treat this case to set a precedent at a court of law.
If the police and community will not see this as the horrendous act of cruelty and evil that it is because it’s “just a cat,” they obviously do not understand that most serial killers have started with animal cruelty and then moved up to humans. Someone who would harm or kill an innocent animal is deranged and a threat to society and should be treated as such.
I am so sorry to Rusty and his family… this brings tears to my eyes thinking of the pain and fear he must have felt during it all. We can only hope he’s in a better place now. The world needs to stop defending animal cruelty and turning a blind eye to it. When you allow people to get away with murdering innocent animals it’s no wonder we have so many murderers, rapists, and child abusers running around. As an indifferent society, we teach them that violence is accepted. It has to stop!!!
This nonhuman Piece of Sh**t should be glad I can’t choose the punishment!First I would tie you down over a fire ants nest,then I would cover you in Honey,and let the ants do the rest.Course that is just me
Please call me when this cold-blooded murderer is caught because I want to bring the sharpest axe that money can buy, and chop off his penis and balls in one fell swoop! Enjoy burning in hell for eternity you asshole!
Tuer l’enfant de salaud qui a fait cela!! Pas de procès inutile!
Tuer ce lâche!
It should go without saying that this is a case of sociopathy. Clearly, the killer needs to be apprehended before any more sentient beings are killed or maimed.
If that’s Rusty in the photo he is very much like my own Archie – if anyone ever hurt him I’d make it my mission to find them and destroy their life. People capable of such actions are excess to requirements and should be tortured, killed and fed to the sharks.