Target: Janine Smith, Chief Crown Prosecutor for Northamptonshire, England
Goal: Demand that the person who stole, mutilated, and killed a family cat receive the maximum penalty under law.
A cat was mutilated and killed in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The cat was dismembered and the head, limbs, and ears were sent back to the owner in a bag. Demand justice for this poor cat.
“Rusty was a beloved pet and the family is understandably devastated,” stated PC Andrew Glover of the Northamptonshire Police Department. Rusty, a 1-year-old ginger cat, was taken from the area and the cat’s head, limbs, and ears were returned in a bag. Rusty’s mutilated body was left on the doorstep of the owner’s family home and discovered by the owner’s 14-year-old daughter. Rusty’s death comes just days after the owner’s other cat was found dead and burned. Police have not confirmed if these incidents are related.
The Northamptonshire police are investigating and they have asked for any witnesses to come forward. They do not yet have any suspects. Sign below and demand that the person responsible be charged and assigned the maximum penalty under law.
Dear Chief Prosecutor Smith,
A beloved cat was brutally killed in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The cat’s head, ears, and limbs were removed and sent to the owner in a bag. We demand justice for this innocent cat.
The owner’s 14-year-old daughter found Rusty’s mutilated body on her doorstep not long after the cat disappeared. The 1-year-old ginger cat’s head, ears, and limbs were missing and later returned to the owner in a bag. Rusty died just days after the owner’s other cat was found burned and dead. Police have not confirmed any relation between the incidents.
This horrific cruelty must be punished. We demand that you charge the person responsible and seek the maximum penalty under law.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Northamptonshire Police
I agree with all of the above in support of the family and their kitties. Poor little things! I must hour the whoever did this is caught, and soon, before they do it again. They are sick, and need to be taken out of society.
These cat killers need the exact torture done to them!
Poor cats!!! Obviously related. I hope they catch the sick scary person soon!!!
Signed. Karma plus a 1 way express ticket to burn in Hell worthless scumbag asshole piece of shit trash responsible for the heinous horrific barbaric unjustified intentional cruelty plus murder of an innocent life!!!!
Yes I agree, these killers must be tortured back, but why can’t these families train their cats to stay indoors? I would never let my cats out. Ever.
i agree kill them and the world would be better also these sicko’s that kill and torture dogs and cats in the meat trade
Sick piece of shit needs to be exterminated. Mentally deranged scum of the earth. Put them out of their misery.
What a sick demented piece of shit!!when are the laws going to change! This loser needs to be throw in jail and hopefully he’ll be beat within an inch of his life! People can’t be allowed to get away with this!It’s not okay to do this to an animal or human and the laws have to change!
This SOB needs to be caught and the same thing happen to it!! Then returned to his so called family the same way….Fair is fair..KARMA..
To kill an innocent animal is heartless
To mutilate it is evil
To leave the poor cat on the family door step is totally depraved
This pos deserves to be horse whipped then doused with salt and vinegar !!@
This innocent cat deserve justice. Put this 2 leggens monster in jail.
Despicable!! That monster needs to be caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law and beyond!!! It’s completely heartbreaking! Those poor innocent kitties!! But I must say this… I firmly believe cat’s belong indoors!! Allowing them to roam the streets will not only avoid this type of outrageous crime, it will also protect them from wildlife predators and automobiles. Nonetheless, this sick personal must pay!! RIP dear Ginger ? You deserved better…
Things like this leave me truly unable to understand this world. This shocking depraved cruelty and murder of innocent animal lives makes me sick to my stomach. Why does it happen so much? Everybday I am shocked by these horrific acts in these petitions. Poor little kitties… my heart breaks for you.
this sick SOB should be found and jailed for a long time what’s the matter with people that do these terrible things to animals they are not human
That is why you don’t let cats out of the house. There are too many dangers and bad people and the cats paid the price.
This degraded psychopath must be found and punished. This individual is a complete waste of space on the face of the earth, and contaminates the surrounding air he breathes with the stench of his presence. This human vermin walking amongst us is a insult to the human race. The law must treat such unspeakable vicious cruelty against a poor fellow creature as a felony. The wretch will reap Karma for this act, and may it be soon. This is an outrage.
Catch this monster and confine him or her for life in solitary confinement!This dangerous dehumanized sociopath is a threat to all innocent helpless animals and children!
I think that, having lost one cat to this psycho I would not let the other out of my sight. Nevertheless, if a cat can’t pursue its natural instincts because of depraved subhumans out to murder then something serious needs to be done. This is a real case for the repeal of corporal punishment. Get the maniac off the streets and let normal people live in peace. The world would be a better place without him.
Torture this sick POS!!!
Jack THE RIPPER IS BACK. Watch out people from England, this is not the first case of death( i hope the last).
If the POLICE do not ACT , it will be to late for many things.
Who did this , just deserves DEATH – no jail , no .
Unfortunately there are lots of cat haters out there. I keep my three inside and they have access to an enclosed porch.
Hope they quickly find the person responsible and punish him/her to the maximum extent of the law.