Target: Alpha Conde, Assembly Chair, African Union
Goal: Stop forcing elephants to give tourists rides in all African Union nations.
A bull elephant named Mbanje was shot using high-velocity bullets after he killed his handler in the Victoria Falls region of Zimbabwe. The elephant was trained to give rides to humans through Adventure Zone, a company catering to tourists in the region. The time has come to put an end to this industry, which is built on the abuse and neglect of these intelligent creatures.
Mbanje, who was around 30 years old, had been working with his handler for over a decade before the fatal attack. Although the owner of Adventure Zone claims he is “drawing blanks” over what could have caused Mbanje to lash out, we do know that attacks by elephants on handlers are not uncommon and are likely linked to the years of abuse these animals must endure as part of their training.
Elephants in the tourist industry are usually kidnapped from their families at young ages and are conditioned into giving rides or performing other demeaning tricks through neglect and frequent beatings that force them into submission. The fact that some later “snap” and attack their handlers, or other humans, is not surprising given the fact these animals are so sensitive and highly intelligent.
Elephants belong in the wild within their tightly woven family groups. Sign this petition to urge the head of the African Union to push for a ban on all elephant rides across Africa.
Dear Chairman Conde,
Elephants in various parts of Africa are forced to give rides and perform tricks for the entertainment of tourists. The abuse that these creatures must sustain as part of their training can lead to deadly results, as seen with the recent killing of a handler in Zimbabwe. These tragedies are not uncommon and reflect the fact that this industry is cruel and must be brought to an end.
Elephants who are forced to give rides endure years of abuse and are usually kidnapped from wild herds at very young ages. Not only is this practice inhumane, but it is detrimental to conservation efforts across the continent. We urge you to safeguard both elephants and humans and call for a ban on elephant rides in all African Union nations.
[Your Name here]
Photo Credit: Terry Fueurborn
It was what this man was looking for after tormenting an animal..All should BACK OFF FROM ANIMALS TERRITOY..It belongs only to animals BASTA!!!
Please stop making wild animals do what is not natural to them. Just allow them to be free in there homeland. If these handlers die, in their cruel handling of these animals so be it.
I hope they do
Quite so. Leave the animals alone apart from creating a Reserve patrolled by rangers to protect them from barbaric poachers, let them be animals and roam freely
All sentient beings deserve to be treated with respect, and kindness, and human understanding that such magnificent and intelligent beings as are elephants, were not put on Earth for
the entertainments of our species, but have lives and purposes of their own, which we should be helping them to achieve (e.g stabilizing their population so that they will no longer be considered “endangered”).
These animal abusers should be used as animals themselves.
I think we all agree on that.
It’s all about money, money , money isn’t it? We must go beyond the money/Capitalism system to something fair and sensible for all – not just the the wealthy humans. Please see this site, and maybe buy “Reweaving Our Human Fabric. Future.” by Miki Kashtan: http://thefearlessheart.org/store/reweaving-our-human-fabric/
Let’s see, 10 years (at minimum) of physical abuse (elephants are forced to give rides often to the point of exhaustion on a daily basis thru negative reinforcement, e.g. use of bullhooks, beatings), psychological abuse (elephants are highly intelligent animals), deprived of any sense of free will or allowed to make own decisions in any regard of his own life… gee, I can’t imagine why an elephant might “lash out.”
Yes, poor elephants, we need to create Reserves (patrolled by rangers with a licence to kill poachers) and the elephants should be free to roam and just be wild animals- God Bless them
Good idea
When creativity fails to assure tourism, animals are always the fall-back substitute. It is the fault of every tourist using these “fun” activities. Use your brain and heart when making travel plans!
I feel bad for the elephant but his handler nah not at all he finally got his just rewards!!!!! Yeah
Hear here- perhaps others will learn that elephants belong to the earth and can be admired but not exploited, they need protection from poachers and huge Nature Reserves should be created that are patrolled by Rangers with a licence to kill anyone who tries to harm them.
Africa you disgust me. Why were these beautiful animal species born a native of a country that cares less about them.
Westerners STOP supporting such abuse and worse such as trophy dickheads.
Taxpayers write to your Governments and demand that monies stop being sent to aid Africa. I no many people feel as I do.
Want help then start treating your animals with compassion and care.
Elephants suffer terribly as they are taunted and abused in order to “train” them to become amusements for people. Elephants should remain free in the wild. They are not intended for our entertainment
Absolutely. I wish those responsible a painful death- SOON
humans are not designed to use animals for any purpose!
The owner of Adventure Zone is either conveniently feigning ignorance or is VERY stupid, if he is “drawing blanks” on why Mbanje lashed out. Either way, it is obvious that he is incompetent to run such a facility.
We humans are the most vile animals…
Signed & shared❗️?