Success: Price of Life-Saving EpiPens is Lowered

Target: Heather Bresch, Mylan CEO

Goal: Applaud Mylan, the company behind EpiPen, for agreeing to lower the price of the life-saving treatment by offering an affordable, generic option for half the price.

After raising the price of the life-saving EpiPen more than 450 percent, Mylan has agreed to offer a generic version of the life-saving device at a lower, more affordable price. The generic version, which will be identical to the branded one in terms of dosages, will sell for $300 per twin-pack. Such a price is about half of what the branded EpiPen is currently sold at. This victory comes after serious public backlash, including from the ForceChange community, over what was called price gouging.

Mylan has also agreed to offer an assistance program to families of four making less than $97,200 per year. This program will give those qualifying families a copay card worth $300. This voucher would ensure that these families would pay nothing out of pocket for the life-saving allergic reaction treatment. While the vouchers cannot be used on the generic version, Mylan has stated that the company’s other assistance programs can be.

Mylan saw serious criticism after it was revealed that company executives received salary increases of more than 600 percent, while the EpiPen was becoming more and more unaffordable for average families due to price increases. With no other options, families had no choice but to hand over hundreds of dollars for the device that could save their loved ones from fatal allergic reactions.

However, with the steps Mylan has taken, more families may be able to afford the EpiPen or its generic version. While there is still much to be done to address the issue of price gouging in not only Mylan, but all pharmaceutical companies, families today will not have to worry so much about their ability to afford saving the lives of loved ones. Sign the petition to thank Mylan for its small, yet important, steps and encourage continued improvements.


Dear. Ms. Bresch,

After much public backlash, Mylan has agreed to produce and sell a generic version of the life-saving EpiPen. The price of the generic option will be about half the price of the very unnecessarily expensive branded option. Due to both the generic option and the copay voucher, more families will once again be able to afford the treatment that will save loved ones from fatal allergic reactions.

While price gouging can never be condoned nor forgiven, and the ethics surrounding the salary increases of both yourself and other Mylan executives continues to be murky, I thank you for at least taking steps and providing options that make the EpiPen more affordable for hardworking families, and I hope that more can be done in the future that will protect both the rights and wallets of your consumers.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Intropin

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