Target: Dennis Daugaard, South Dakota Governor
Goal: Thank governor for rejecting a bill that would restrict transgender rights.
This past spring, South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard rejected a bill that would deny transgender people their rights to use their preferred bathroom, shower, or locker room. ForceChange community members contributed to one of many petitions circulating about the transgender bathroom issue on the whole, and one of three centered on South Dakota specifically. The rejection of a bill that would deny these people such an important right is a big step in the right direction, something to be very thankful for.
Transgender people have suffered hatred, prejudice and indignities for far too long, and the issue of which bathrooms they should be “allowed” to use is one of the worst they face. Any one person should have the right to use whichever bathroom they feel comfortable in. Just because someone is born one gender does not mean they will identify as that gender, and there is nothing wrong with that person wanting to use the bathroom, shower or locker room of the gender they identify with.
South Dakota, and especially Governor Daugaard, has done an amazing thing by rejecting this bill and preserving the rights of transgender people. Sign this petition to thank Governor Daurgaard for this action.
Dear Governor Daugaard,
Thank you for rejecting a bill that would deny transgender people the right to use the bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers of their choice. The discrimination against transgender people has gone on for far too long, especially the raging and unnecessary debate of which bathroom, locker room, or shower they should be “allowed” to use.
Your rejection of such a bill is a great relief to transgender people, especially students, everywhere who have felt the sting of rejection and been forced to conform to rules that do not suit them. You have done a wonderful thing for transgender people and their rights, and we could not be more grateful. This is a step forward not just for their rights, but for human rights and humanity in general. We can only hope this will continue to spread until the United States as a whole fully recognizes that transgender people deserve to be treated with just as much dignity and kindness as anyone else.
Thank you for taking such a big step in the right direction and helping in the fight for the rights of transgender people.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: ParaDox
reject the bathroom bills in all states now!