After three decades of near-extinction and a complete disappearance from the Holcinote Estate, 150 water voles are finally being released onto the property that was once their natural habitat, thanks to the National Trust. The return of this species has been in high demand for years. Sign this petition to thank the National Trust for bringing this species back.
The United Kingdom government will heed public demand for less plastic waste, even using the tax system to allow for such plans. Plastic pollution has been an ongoing problem across the globe, especially in the UK, and this is a very important step in solving the problem once and for all. Sign this petition to thank the government for aiding in the fight to end excessive plastic waste.
The inhumane dog and cat meat trade that has brutally slaughtered thousands of innocent animals will soon be banned in Indonesia. Thanks to the newly proposed ban, these animals will no longer have to endure lives spent in captive abuse only to be killed to satisfy consumer demand. Sign this petition to thank Indonesian officials for calling for this important and life-saving ban.
From kittens slaughtered by a government agency to baboons tortured with exploitative surgeries, cruel testing procedures bring terror to scores of animals every day. Applaud a progressive Belgian region for saying ‘no more’ to these atrocities.
Several krill fishing giants have agreed to halt their fishing to aid in the creation of the world’s largest marine sanctuary, much to the joy of ocean conservationists. Krill are not only a vital food source to many seabirds and aquatic mammals, but they control the levels of carbon dioxide through their own feeding habits; more krill ensures a brighter future in many ways. Sign this petition to thank Aker ASA for being one of the companies to support this sanctuary.
Dogs living within an indigenous community in Australia have been found starving and suffering with signs of obvious neglect and abuse. Volunteers report finding thousands of dogs who have been beaten or who are malnourished, some have had their paws cut-off. Sign this petition to demand justice for these innocent dogs.
President Trump has ordered the end of the cruel policy allowing migrant children to be ripped from their parents at the border. Support this order and demand that everything be done to ensure that families are reunited and treated with nothing less than the human dignity they deserve.
Starting January 2019, the fashion brand ASOS will no longer sell clothing made from mohair, cashmere, silk or feathers. Applaud ASOS for no longer contributing to the suffering of animals in these industries.
A new Ebola outbreak recently threatened a small village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At the same time, President Trump cut nearly 250 million dollars from Ebola response funding. Applaud the diligent advocacy that made him back down from this dangerous action.
Horrific experiments that forced monkeys to breathe diesel exhaust will no longer be conducted by Volkswagen, nor will any other animal testing unless required by law, according to an announcement by the company. Support this victory for compassion and animal welfare.
Chile’s President and Congress recently approved the ban of plastic bags across the entire country. Congratulate this nation on being the first in the Americas to institute a nationwide plastics ban, and ask that it encourage others to do the same.
Irish citizens recently voted to overturn a constitutional ban on abortion. Sign the petition to congratulate organizers for this monumental breakthrough in women’s rights and reproductive health.
A bill has recently been proposed to stop the culling of wild horses in New South Wales, protecting thousands of these horses from unnecessary deaths. This bill has been very much needed for the past two years, as there are far more humane ways to control the brumbie population. Sign this petition to support the bill and ensure it becomes a law.
A mink farm in southwestern Ontario faces 14 counts of animal abuse after an undercover investigation revealed ¨filthy¨ living conditions. Footage appeared to show distressed minks with neglected open wounds in maggot-ridden environments. Sign the petition to congratulate the animal welfare organization for initiating the formal charges and bringing justice to the victims of the global fur industry.
More than 80 cats and dogs were removed from a breeding facility where they reportedly suffered from neglect and infection. The owner was recently banned from owning pets for the next seven years. Sign the petition below to thank Canadian authorities for protecting more animals from becoming victims of this alleged abuser.
The Australian government has announced funding of millions of dollars into the restoration of the Great Barrier Reef, in order to protect it against numerous environmental threats. Sign the petition to applaud Australia for funding this important undertaking.
TripAdvisor has updated its policies and tightened its standards of animal welfare so that it will no longer promote exploitative attractions that force animals to perform for human entertainment. Support this important stand for the well-being of animals around the world.
The European Union has agreed upon a total ban on a number of bee-killing pesticides. Thanks to this decision to stop the use of these harmful insecticides, bee populations will have a chance to recover across Europe. Sign this petition to applaud the EU for this important breakthrough.
TripAdvisor has removed its Certificate of Excellence award from three allegedly abusive wildlife attractions. Sign this petition to thank the travel site for no longer rewarding these destinations for their reportedly cruel treatment of animals.
The United Kingdom is finally introducing a ban on the sale and trade of ivory, giving in to public pressure from environmentalists and conservationists. This ban has been a long time coming, due to the UK being one of the chief exporters of ivory and thousands of elephants dying for the trade. Sign this petition to thank the UK for taking a step towards giving elephants a brighter future.
A popular handbag and accessory brand has decided to no longer use fur in its products. This will save countless animals from unnecessary pain and premature death. Sign this petition to show your support of the brand’s recent decision.
Abuse, imprisonment, and death are the legacy of Asia’s only greyhound racetrack. In July this tragic legacy will be part of history. Applaud the soon-to-be-abolition of an insidiously cruel practice on the world’s largest continent.
China has armed itself for war against environmental destruction. Their weapons of choice are millions of trees that will soon shelter some of the country’s most polluted regions. Support the world’s most ambitious reforestation project.
Eight people have been arrested and charged with the murder of an important elephant conservationist. Sign below to support that these killers are being brought to justice.
This year a ban on 24 types of waste, including electronic waste, became law in China. This addresses environmental and human health concerns, and could lead to a reduction in plastic pollution going into our oceans. Sign the petition to applaud the Ministry of Environmental Protection for its efforts.