ForceChange Educational Series: Animal Testing
More than 115 million animals, worldwide, are used for experimentation and biomedical research every year. In the US alone, 70,000 dogs are used for research testing every year, of which 96% are beagles because of their docile temperament and trusting nature. In Great Britain last year, 3.9 million experiments were […]
Educational Series: Factory Farms
Earlier this year, animal activist group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) entered a factory farm in Utah that is owned by Smithfield Foods with the intent to expose allegedly poor treatment of their animals. While there, they found what they perceived to be two piglets struggling to survive. According to DxE, […]
Stop Wasting $165 Billion of Food Every Year
America wastes $165 billion in food every year while 1 in 5 children suffers from hunger. It’s time for things change, and one part of that solution is simple. We can easily decrease the amount of waste generated every year by 44% with a “Pay As You Throw” Program.
Protect Endangered Species From Congress
Congress is targeting the Endangered Species Act for destruction. From manatees to humpback whales and sea lions, these animals depend on this Act for their continued existence, but Congress doesn’t seem to care. Sign this petition to tell Congress to halt their attempts to dismantle the Endangered Species Act.
Don’t Give Away Our Public Lands to Private Companies
Congress is trying to give away public lands to drilling, logging and mining interests. Our public lands are shared resources and must be protected, not given away to private companies.
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Tell Pepsico That Child Labor and Snack Foods Don’t Mix — Stop Child Labor
PepsiCo is profiting off the backs of laboring children and exploited workers for Conflict Palm Oil. This is also a driver of massive destruction of Indonesia’s rainforests — one of the most biodiverse places on Earth and home to orangutans and Sumatran tigers. PepsiCo must ensure workers’ rights are upheld, wildlife is protected and rainforests are kept standing.
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Reject Government Budget That Attacks the EPA
Trump’s proposed budget will drastically cut the EPA’s funds. But the EPA’s budget is already about as low as it can get—it accounts for just 0.22% of the federal budget. Demand that these attacks on environmental protection be stopped.
#FreeLolita the Lone Orca Stuck in Tank for 45 Years – Social Media Alert
Lolita the orca has been in captivity since 1970 and has been alone since 1980. The Miami Seaquarium recently announced it will keep Lolita in her tiny tank and continue her shows. Demand Lolita be released to a seaside sanctuary where she can live out the rest of her days happily among other orcas.
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