
Tell Pepsico That Child Labor and Snack Foods Don’t Mix — Stop Child Labor

PepsiCo is profiting off the backs of laboring children and exploited workers for Conflict Palm Oil. This is also a driver of massive destruction of Indonesia’s rainforests — one of the most biodiverse places on Earth and home to orangutans and Sumatran tigers. PepsiCo must ensure workers’ rights are upheld, wildlife is protected and rainforests are kept standing.

Bestiality was banned, but our work is just beginning… Thanks to the efforts of activists across the globe, bestiality has recently been banned in Nevada! It was a long fight, but the good news was just announced, ensuring that sexual abuse of animals in that state will no longer be […]

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Don’t Allow Priceless Art to Be Locked Away By the Rich

Millions of priceless masterpieces are being shut away in storage places by the rich, who hope to avoid taxes while the value of the art increases. Art is not meant to be locked away in dark rooms away from human sight. Demand that these storage places be opened to the public.

Social Reality Test

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The Tree Wheel is no longer active. Due to limited engagement, we’ve suspended this program. If you have any feedback and/or think we should bring the Tree Wheel back, please contact us. Thank you for your support!

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Reject Government Budget That Attacks the EPA

Trump’s proposed budget will drastically cut the EPA’s funds. But the EPA’s budget is already about as low as it can get—it accounts for just 0.22% of the federal budget. Demand that these attacks on environmental protection be stopped.

#FreeLolita the Lone Orca Stuck in Tank for 45 Years – Social Media Alert

Lolita the orca has been in captivity since 1970 and has been alone since 1980. The Miami Seaquarium recently announced it will keep Lolita in her tiny tank and continue her shows. Demand Lolita be released to a seaside sanctuary where she can live out the rest of her days happily among other orcas.

Please Spread the Word: [easy-social-share buttons=”twitter,facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”] Please Help With This Cause: [easy-social-share buttons=”twitter,facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”] More Petitions: [srp post_limit=’10’ post_random=’no’ widget_title_hide=’yes’ post_content_type=’excerpt’ post_content_length=’500′ post_date=’no’ category_include=1955] [easy-social-share buttons=”twitter,facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”]

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Tell Mitch McConnell to Obey the Constitution

The President shall appoint new justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, according to the Constitution. Tell Senate Leader Mitch McConnell to do his job and allow a Supreme Court appointment.

Allow Gay Couple to Escape Persecution

After fleeing persecution in Iran, two gay men were exiled to an island where they face continued harassment and risks to their safety. Support allowing this couple to find a safe sanctuary in a country where LGBT rights are protected.

Help Children With Deadly Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell disease can cut young lives short, but with the right medical treatment children diagnosed with this dangerous illness can still thrive. Support giving sickle cell patients the help they need.

Help Kids Succeed in School

Education and early literacy can break the cycle of poverty, but too many children never get the support they need. Stand up for programs that help kids thrive in school.

Protect Social Security for Retirees

Millions of retirees rely on social security to make ends meet. Make the presidential candidates take a position on protecting social security, by asking how they would defend this important program at the next debate.

Promote Peace, Not War

Years spent waging failed wars have left us no safer than before, and created conditions that give rise to terrorist groups. Support real solutions to global conflict and an end to failed military policies.

Defend Women’s Health and the Right to Choose

The right to choose a safe abortion is coming under attack nationwide. Fight back against politicians who want to control women’s choices about their own bodies and health.

Help Refugees Find Safe Homes

Refugees fleeing war and violence too often end up with no safe place where their families can take shelter. Support giving refugees a chance to find safe homes in a new country.

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