Human Rights

Success: Activist and Young Son Released From Prison

An activist jailed along with her toddler son has been released on “humanitarian grounds.” Sign the petition to applaud this step forward for human rights.

Success: Suspicious Police Shooting to Be Probed by Special Prosecutor

After shooting and killing a young man, Chicago police officers allegedly presented false testimony and attempted to threaten witnesses. In light of these suspicious activities, a special prosecutor has been appointed to probe the incident. Applaud this brave attempt to uncover the truth and bring justice to the young man who was tragically killed.

Success: Policy Intensifying Childhood Poverty Will Be Repealed

A welfare reform policy that increased childhood poverty has been repealed thanks to the work of activists. Applaud that this damaging policy will no longer exist and that more families will get the aid they need.

Success: Assisted Dying Law Passed

The Canadian Senate passed legislation legalizing doctor-assisted death for people living with terminal illnesses. Applaud the decision to give people a say in how they live and die.

Success: Net Neutrality Preserved

Net neutrality, the concept of an internet with equal accessibility for everyone, has been upheld in a landmark ruling. Praise this decision, which will preserve an open internet.

Success: Minimum Wage Raised to $15 an Hour

The District of Columbia has become the latest city to raise the minimum wage to $15. Thank the city’s politicians for their efforts to provide a fair living wage for all hard-working citizens.

Success: Obama Guarantees Overtime Pay To More Workers

Over 12 million workers will now be guaranteed overtime pay, thanks to a new rule crafted by the Obama administration. Sign this petition to thank the president for protecting workers’ rights.

Success: Governor Vetoes Anti-Abortion Bill

A bill that would have made it a felony for doctors to perform abortions has been vetoed. Praise the pro-life governor that put her personal beliefs aside for the good of her state.

Success: Chief of Racist Police Department Resigns

The Chief of Police who oversaw an increasingly racist police department has finally succumbed to pressure and stepped down. Thank the mayor for urging this man to resign so that the police force can receive better leadership.

Success: Gay Couple Freed From Wrongful Imprisonment

An American couple has been released from unjust imprisonment in Kuwait. The false charges against them were likely an excuse to target the lesbian couple for their sexual orientation. Sign this petition to applaud the couple’s successful release.

Success: Police Officer Charged for Fatally Shooting Unarmed Man

A former police officer who shot and killed an unarmed man and then lied about the incident has been indicted for his alleged crimes. Congratulate those responsible for holding this man accountable for his violent misconduct.

Success: Activist Imprisoned for Drawing Cartoon Released

An Iranian artist and activist who was imprisoned for drawing a political cartoon has been released. Applaud her release, and ask for reforms that will prevent activists being imprisoned in the future.

Succcess: City Restricts Solitary Confinement for Juveniles

Los Angeles County has placed severe restrictions on the use of solitary confinement on minors, practically banning it. Applaud the fact that this cruel punishment will no longer be used on kids.

Success: North Carolina Can’t Implement LGBT Discrimination Law

A controversial LGBT discrimination law in North Carolina has been labeled a violation of federal law by the Department of Justice. Applaud the department for challenging the hateful law.

Success: Justice Department Says Bathroom Bill Violates Federal Law

The Justice Department has declared North Carolina’s bathroom bill in violation of federal law. Sign the petition to thank the Justice Department for standing up for the rights of gay and transgender people.

Success: Racist, Misogynistic Sheriff’s Chief of Staff Resigns

A top-level police official has resigned after public outcry over racist, sexist emails he sent at his former position. Applaud that this bigot will no longer hold a position in public service.

Success: LGBT Rights Protest Location Recognized as Historic Site

The site of an important gay rights protest has been added to the National Register of Historic Places. Its addition affirms the significance of our nation’s LGBT history. Thank the National Register of Historic Places and its chief, Paul Loether, for their decision to recognize the site.

Success: Turkish Academics Freed

Four Turkish academics imprisoned for signing a call for peace have been freed. Help us applaud their release and push for greater protections for the human rights of residents and citizens of Turkey.

Success: Discriminatory Religious Freedom Resolution Will Not Become Law

Missouri was recently a battleground state as politicians advanced an anti-LGBT “religious freedom” amendment. We won a bipartisan victory for equality when Republicans and Democrats in the state house joined forces to defeat the amendment.

Success: San Francisco Guarantees Fully Paid Leave For All New Parents

All new parents will now be guaranteed fully paid leave in San Francisco. This progressive law is the first of its kind in the country. Thank the city’s Board of Supervisors for passing it.

Success: Tiny Houses Will Be Returned to Homeless

Tiny houses that were donated to the homeless in Los Angeles were confiscated by the city earlier this year. Now they are being returned after protests from the tiny house supporters. Praise the city council for listening to the protesters and deciding to return the houses.

Success: NBA to Move All-Star Game Over NC “Bathroom Bill”

The passage of the “bathroom bill” in North Carolina is the reason why NBA Commissioner Adam Silver has vowed to move basketball’s biggest annual event from the state. Sign the petition and join NBA Commissioner Silver in telling the North Carolinian government that the “bathroom bill” will not be tolerated.

Success: Final State Ban on Same-Sex Adoption Deemed Unconstitutional

Mississippi was the last state to have a ban on same-sex couples adopting children. A federal judge has struck down this law, deeming it an infringement of constitutional rights. Take time to applaud Judge Daniel P. Jordan III for upholding the constitutional rights of gay and lesbian couples in the U.S.

Success: Activist Released and Allowed to Return Home

Gustavo Castro Soto, the sole witness to the murder of an environmental activist, has been released from illegal detention and allowed to return to Mexico. His release comes after domestic and international pressure including a ForceChange petition. Join us in applauding his release.

Success: Governor Vetoes LGBT Discrimination Bill

Georgia’s governor recently vetoed a bill that would have given faith-based organizations the right to deny services to and refuse to hire people from the LGBT community. Celebrate with the Human Rights Campaign and praise Governor Deal for standing up against discrimination.

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