Demand Justice for Dog Allegedly Abandoned in Bag With Broken Legs
Penny, a dog, was reportedly found with three broken legs, cruelly abandoned in a plastic bag by the roadside. Demand justice for Penny.
Penny, a dog, was reportedly found with three broken legs, cruelly abandoned in a plastic bag by the roadside. Demand justice for Penny.
The tragic death of Keto, a 29-year-old orca, highlights the brutal reality marine animals apparently face in captivity. Stop more tragic orca deaths from happening.
Two dogs were allegedly brutally beaten by a man entrusted with their care, including a puppy reportedly whipped with a thick rope leash. Demand justice for these animals.
Three dogs were allegedly tortured and killed by their owner, who reportedly documented the abuse in a personal journal. Demand justice for these innocent animals.
A dog was allegedly dragged and assaulted on a balcony, sparking outrage. Demand justice for this animal and ensure the suspected perpetrator is held accountable.
An estimated 600,000 stray dogs, and an unknown number of cats, endure unimaginable horrors in Romania. Help address this urgent situation.
Canada’s last whale captor is accused of endangering the lives of its belugas and other inhabitants. Demand punitive action against this dangerous park.
Civets are allegedly being confined to filthy, overcrowded cages, enduring malnutrition, open wounds, and immense psychological trauma. Demand an end to this practice.
In a shocking case, 91 animals were reportedly found in horrific conditions, with 18 dead from neglect. A mere two-week jail sentence for one accused perpetrator raises troubling questions about justice. Demand accountability.
Nine cats were reportedly severely neglected and kenneled alongside animal remains. Demand justice for these seemingly abused pets.
A dog was reportedly hit outside a pub, causing it unnecessary suffering. Demand justice for this seemingly abused animal and ensure the perpetrator is fully prosecuted.
An emaciated dog died after being found nearly starved to death, according to reports. Demand justice for this apparently abused animal.
A cat was allegedly sedated without veterinary supervision during a TV production, risking the pet’s life. Demand justice for this apparently abused animal.
The leather industry inflicts horrific suffering on animals, with cows enduring painful procedures like castration and branding without anesthetics. Demand an end to these cruel practices.
Animals at a zoo were reportedly found in crowded, unsanitary enclosures, with a shark being held out of the water by the tail. Demand justice for these allegedly suffering creatures and ensure those responsible are held accountable.
The discovery of over 1,000 mice allegedly hoarded by a man has overwhelmed an animal shelter, raising serious concerns about neglect. Demand justice for these animals.
Escaped lab monkeys have set off a firestorm of debate about the facility holding these animals and about primate research itself. Demand swift action to protect these monkeys and to punish the facility that allegedly put them at risk.
A veterinarian committed suicide after facing unbearable pressure to euthanize pets who seemingly could have been saved. Demand accountability for this distressing cycle.
A police officer reportedly pushed his girlfriend to the ground after a night of drinking, and has a prior conviction for kicking a dog and throwing it from his truck in front of his daughter. Demand action to safeguard the community from this individual.
Cleaning workers allegedly killed an injured stray cat they were dispatched to help, sparking outrage. Demand legal action against those allegedly responsible to prevent future cruelty.
A former sheriff’s deputy reportedly shot and killed seven dogs during a welfare check, leaving their devastated owners to discover three pets dead inside and four more outside. Demand justice.
Domestic violence and animal abuse are intertwined, with victims facing unspeakable cruelty towards their pets. Help end this cycle of abuse.
Cruel and outdated animal tests in psychedelic research, such as the discredited forced swim test, torture sentient beings while impeding medical research. Call for an end to these practices.
An estimated 600,000 homeless dogs and countless cats endure unimaginable suffering in Romania. Demand action to address this out-of-control problem.
Animal abuse cases have increased nearly 90%, overwhelming shelters and authorities. Allocate more resources to combat cruelty and protect innocent animals.