Articles written by: Tiffany White

I am a freelance writer living in Tennessee who has a deep passion for animal welfare, environmental, and other progressive causes.

Protect Plant Products From Cost and Safety Crises

Serious concerns are being raised about the delays and deficiencies in British trade post-Brexit. Urge a reworking of policies that are hurting consumers in several ways.

Don’t Make Asylum Unsafe

Threats of a mass deportation are once again creating upheaval and uncertainty. Demand the United Kingdom put a halt to one of its most controversial and damaging practices.

Wage Legal War on Dog Fighting

Dog fighting destroys and claims countless canine lives every year. Demand an at-risk state deliver results against this brutal crime.

Prioritize End of Plastic Pollution

Plastic production is ramping up while global leaders work to curb its dangers. Demand a stronger commitment to eliminating environmentally detrimental overproduction and invasive special interests.

Don’t Discourage Patients From Seeking Medical Care

Texas leaders are trying to force doctors to betray their patients. As a result, countless individuals will likely avoid desperately needed care. Speak out against this step backward for a state with one of the nation’s worst healthcare records.

End Taliban’s Torture of Women

Women in Afghanistan are continuing to suffer escalating abuses at the hands of the Taliban. Call for more international pressure against this oppressive regime.

Stop Book Banning Campaigns Targeting Schools

A state that has significantly accelerated its attempts at literary censorship is taking its agenda a step further. Call for an end to politically motivated book bans that deprive youth of a holistic education.

Success: Stricter Animal Cruelty Laws Coming to State

Individuals convicted of hurting animals should never have the opportunity to inflict pain on a vulnerable victim again. Applaud Virginia’s effort to stop animal cruelty recidivism in its tracks.

Protect Ocean’s Free-Floating Guardians

Floating ocean creatures have received little recognition or focus, but their contribution to the marine world is unmatched. Demand a stronger emphasis on understanding and protecting the ocean’s first line of defense.

Stop Killing of the Mentally Ill by Police

An apparently mentally ill individual has been shot dead, reportedly by police. Demand lifesaving approaches to deescalate mental health crises before they turn tragic.

Hundreds of Rabbits Who Allegedly Endured Broken Bones, Missing Limbs, and Starvation Deserve Justice

Hundreds of rabbits allegedly suffered torture chamber-like conditions in a woman’s garage. Half of these bunnies died as a reported result. Call for proper prosecution and punishment in this disturbing case.

Let Kids Have Fun and Build Skills

Young people are losing an invaluable refuge for mental wellness and skill development. Demand a dedicated commitment to the restoration of youth clubs.

Protected Bird Killed on Reality Show Deserves Justice

A reality show allegedly allowed a crime against conservation to take place, with no real repercussions. Call for more decisive punitive action in this problematic case.

Rev Up Electric Truck Infrastructure

Eco-friendly EV production cannot strengthen without the infrastructure that makes everyday operation of these vehicles possible. Demand leaders help mitigate transportation’s outsized role in the climate crisis.

Success: Construction Underway on World’s Largest Wildlife Crossing

A first-of-its-scale wildlife crossing has the potential to save thousands of animals in traffic-heavy Los Angeles. Applaud this promising development that addresses a critical threat to America’s wildlife.

Don’t Keep Patients in the Dark About Crucial Treatments

A surgeon allegedly violated the trust of his patients by subjecting them to a defective procedure designed to meet his own self-interests. Demand more transparency to restore the important bond of trust between physicians and patients.

Bring Peace to Grieving Families Left in Turmoil

A funeral home is accused of mishandling and potentially misidentifying the remains of several individuals. Call for justice for the families whose wounds have been reopened.

Don’t Let Big Tobacco Dictate Science

Big Tobacco is reportedly shaping and warping scientific research to suit its agenda. Call for an end to this deceptive practice.

Do Not Give Football Star Accused of Deadly Neglect Slap on Wrist

A Super Bowl champion stands accused of severely neglecting two dogs to the point of death. Demand prosecutors seek full charges and punishment in this troubling case.

Prevent Disruptive Global Tech Outages

A cybersecurity bug caused global disruptions to banks, hospitals, airlines, and more. Demand actions to ensure such widespread upheaval to consumers does not happen again.

Stop Zombie Oil & Gas Wells From Destroying the Environment

Zombie oil and gas wells continue to pollute the environment, long after their useful lives are over. We must clean up these abandoned wells before they do more damage to the environment.

Better Lives of People Beset by Economic Strife and Political Distrust

A contested coup is serving as a distraction from the crushing pressures faced by the people of Bolivia. Urge leaders to confront the real crises plaguing communities.

Donkeys Allegedly Neglected and Sickened Deserve Justice

A farmer who allegedly neglected his equine charges to the point of death and near-death has a long record of complaints, most of which have been reportedly swept under the rug. Demand the nation’s top agricultural agency honor its pledge to protect domesticated animals.

Put Politicians to the Mental Test

Debate continues to rage about the abilities of America’s aging leaders to perform their duties. Demand actions that will help reassure worried voters.

Hold Plane Manufacturer Accountable for Deadly Crashes

An airline manufacturer gaining infamy for its safety failures and violations has again been let off the hook by the government. Demand decisive action against Boeing’s deadly negligence.

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