Articles written by: Tiffany White

I am a freelance writer living in Tennessee who has a deep passion for animal welfare, environmental, and other progressive causes.

Protect Aviation Passengers From Unsafe Helicopters

The deadliest aviation casualty event in decades has brought renewed attention to the safety deficiencies in many helicopters. Call for mandatory equipment inclusion that could save lives.

Protect Young and Old From Respiratory Disease

Another respiratory disease is targeting vulnerable populations like children and the elderly. Demand a stronger global response focused on preventing and treating this dangerous illness.

Don’t Let Egg Thieves Steal Wild Birds’ Future

As the scarcity of commercial eggs dominates headlines, a sophisticated criminal enterprise is working in the shadows to put wild bird eggs – and species – in peril. Demand a comprehensive international plan of action to stop global wild egg theft.

Success: Marine Waters Protected From Offshore Drilling

The fight against offshore oil and gas drilling received an important victory. Applaud a ban across vast areas on drilling detrimental to oceans and marine life.

Protect Pets From Rage-Filled Beatings and Stabbings

Protecting animals from mentally unstable or volatile individuals is crucial to preventing deadly acts of cruelty. Demand mandatory guidelines that enshrine these protections into the legal system.

Protect Rodeo Animals From Mistreatment and Dangerous Accidents

A horse crashed into a fence and collapsed at a rodeo event, endangering both the animal and his rider. Demand changes that will help keep animals safe.

Confirm Cause of Tragic Christmas Day Crash

Devastated families are still awaiting answers following a passenger plane’s deadly crash in the midst of the Russia and Ukraine conflict. Demand an investigation that can resolve lingering, painful questions.

Don’t Hit Pause on Critical Aid for Americans

Americans are being denied financial assistance already pledged to them. Call for an end to this politicized attack on federal aid.

Don’t Exploit Inmates Fighting Deadly Wildfires

Hundreds of firefighters are risking their lives in California for a few dollars a day. Demand better wages and benefits for the state’s inmates-turned-wildfire warriors.

Don’t Give Global Platform to Hate and Dangerous Lies

Meta has given hate-mongers and liars free reign on its social media sites. Demand better from a company that wants to wash its hands of all accountability.

Stop Using Wildfire Victims as Political Pawns

Politics is once again getting in the way of helping wildfire victims who urgently need the assistance of their elected leaders. Demand an end to the politicization of natural disasters.

Carry Forward President Carter’s Conservation Mission

President Jimmy Carter’s commitment to conservation remains one of his most underappreciated and far-reaching legacies. Support his lifelong mission to make America cleaner and greener.

Find Answers About Fire That Killed Hundreds of Pet Shop Animals

A fire claimed the lives of hundreds of animals trapped in a pet store. Demand these innocent living beings not be forgotten by the legal system.

Stop Environmental and Economic Destruction From Spreading Like Wildfire

Wildfires have ravaged California, but it’s only a matter of time before the next disaster strikes. Call for advanced preparation from the nation’s leaders.

Don’t Distort and Weaponize Faith to Promote Injustice

Legal campaigns against equality and against immigrants are being launched under the guise of Christian values. Demand the network of lawyers responsible for these efforts start operating by the true tenets of their faith.

Do Not Abandon Ukraine In Its Most Critical Hour

A shakeup on Capitol Hill could have far-reaching ramifications for national security. Deman newly appointed leaders wield their power for aiding Ukraine rather than for political payback.

Success: Retirement Benefits and Credit Scores Get Boost

Social security benefits and debt relief recently received needed boosts. Applaud political actions that could mean more money and opportunity for Americans.

Give Aid to Victims of Tragic Market Fire

A devastating market fire has destabilized an already-struggling community in Ghana. Demand urgent intervention from a government that has so far remained silent.

Stop Letting Animal Abusers Off the Legal Hook

Punishments for animal cruelty still fall far below the bar needed for real justice. Call for stronger laws that protect animals rather than animal abusers.

Don’t Let Attempted Insurrection Go Unpunished

Another presidential crisis is unfolding in South Korea. Demand an accused insurrectionist leader face the music.

Release Cloned Ferret’s Offspring into the Wild to Help Save Their Species

A cloned ferret successfully gave birth to two healthy babies who have the potential to bring this endangered species back from the brink of extinction. Demand research leaders release them into the wild.

Goat Dead From Alleged Pesticide Poisoning Deserves Justice

A high school student allegedly poisoned a rival’s goat and then filmed the animal’s suffering. Demand justice in this reportedly intentional act of deadly cruelty.

Prevent Weaponization of Vehicles in Acts of Terror

Acts of terrorism using vehicles as weapons are on the rise. Call for enhanced protections against these rising threats.

End Post-Election Political Violence

Political protests in Africa are turning deadly. Demand leaders protect dissenting voices.

Improve Quality of Life in One of World’s Most Impoverished Nations

An impoverished African nation has a critical new opportunity to change course and better the lives of citizens. Demand leaders seize this opportunity.

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