Articles written by: Tiffany White

I am a freelance writer living in Tennessee who has a deep passion for animal welfare, environmental, and other progressive causes.

Help Preserve Seeds With Life-Changing Potential

Native seeds from Palestine have the potential to breathe new life into crop resilience around the world. Demand a commitment to protecting, preserving, and propagating these powerful natural allies.

Shame on Governor Noem for Killing Pet Puppy

A prominent governor has stirred even more controversy by bragging about her reported shooting of a 14-month-old puppy. Call for this leader to set the right example and make amends for this horrific act.

Ensure Military Killings Meet Codes of Conduct

Special ops killings have allegedly taken an even darker turn. Call for a full investigation into the reported actions of a British team that led to the deaths of 80 Afghans.

Stop Rampant Production of Hazardous Single-Use Plastics

Single-use plastics are taking a devastating toll on every aspect of our environment. Demand needed changes in the manufacturing and distribution of these dangers.

Success: Endangered Black-Footed Ferret Clones Drive Resurgence

One of the planet’s most endangered mammals has a new lease on life thanks to scientific progress decades in the making. Celebrate the success of cloned black-footed ferrets.

Don’t Hand Out Potentially Harmful Meal Kits to School Children

Meal kits widely available in school lunch programs are in the crossfire for their potential inclusion of unhealthy and harmful substances. Demand the agency overseeing Lunchables vet their safety before serving them to children.

Dog Allegedly Drowned by Caretaker Deserves Justice

A dog was allegedly drowned in a heinous act of animal cruelty reportedly committed by a pet parent. Call for justice delayed but not denied.

Don’t Let Dangerous Drinking Water Sicken Inmates

America’s prison water is a reservoir for harmful toxins that pose a serious and lasting threat to health. Call for a clean-up of this insidious hazard.

Don’t Overhaul Political System Without People’s Input

One of Africa’s most historically destabilized regions is on the verge of another political crisis. Demand more stability and better leadership for Somalia’s vulnerable populations.

Find Truth in Alleged Officer-Involved Killing of Two Pet Dogs

Two dogs were the fatalities in a reported officer-involved shooting, but the controversy remains. Demand answers in this case where the full set of facts is allegedly being withheld.

Set Students Up for Financial Stability and Success

American students are ill-equipped to make the financial decisions that will impact the rest of their lives. Demand a broader focus on financial literacy for youth.

Save Sextortion Victims Before Tragedy Strikes

Blackmail involving the sexual exploitation of minors is an increasingly dangerous threat. Demand stronger legal safeguards against crimes with horrific repercussions.

Protect Elephants From Train Strikes

Elephants are at high risk of injury and death from preventable train collisions in railway-laden India. Demand investment in systems to protect these endangered animals.

Success: 600-Day Shelter Dog Finds Forever Home

A canine survivor of horrendous neglect has found his forever home after nearly 600 days of waiting. Celebrate the happy ending to this one-time horror story.

Don’t Let Possibly Faulty Pumps Puncture the Heart

A heart pump relied upon by thousands of critically ill patients could pose a serious health risk. Urge a recall of this possibly dangerous product by the agency tasked with safeguarding American health.

Don’t Send Reproductive Rights Back to the Civil War

Arizona is the latest ground zero for the criminalization and demonization of reproductive rights. Call on state leaders to end the country’s most draconian abortion ban.

Demand Justice for 40 Pit Bulls Confiscated From Property

Multiple dogs were rescued from a residence that was allegedly the subject of numerous animal welfare complaints. No legal action has seemingly been taken against the person presumably responsible for these animals. Call for a full investigation and related charges if wrongdoing is found.

Protect Planet’s Largest Blackwater Swamp Refuge From Mining Destruction

A new mining threat could upend a thriving swamp ecosystem, undermine protections for a wildlife refuge, and unleash millions of tons of harmful carbon emissions every day. Demand a veto from state leaders for this long-term ecological risk.

Don’t Slash Social Security Benefits for Older Americans

Continued attacks on social security could undermine its benefits for hard-working Americans. Call for thoughtful reforms that will not worsen the lives of recipients.

Don’t Grant Licenses to Kill Magpies

An Australian icon of the skies is being targeted for death. Urge an end to the culling of magpies.

Achieve Internet Access for All

High-speed internet could soon be out of reach for millions of low-income Americans. Call for the continuation of a program that can help the most at-risk consumers stay connected.

Uncover Truth About Reportedly Fatal Shooting of Actress’ Pet Dog

An apparent altercation between a pet German Shepherd and a delivery driver ended with the dog’s death. The facts of the case are still in dispute. Demand an investigation to get to the truth.

End Legally Approved Attacks on Birth Control

Contraception and reproductive rights are facing a new line of attack thanks to an archaic law. Call for a repeal of this insidious targeting of freedom.

Protect Vulnerable Bridges From Collapse

A ship’s collision with a major bridge resulted in tragedy, but this horrific event may have been prevented with better infrastructure. Demand stronger protections for America’s aging bridges and for the travelers who depend on them.

Prevent Dire Consequences of Volcanic Eruptions

Volcanos are becoming an ever-increasing threat to the environment and to public safety. Demand more investment in lessening the likelihood of a devastating disaster.

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