Articles written by: Lindsay Savitzky

I'm a published writer with one book under her belt and more in progress. I'm a strong advocate for the rights and well-being of people and animals alike, including but not limited to volunteering at an animal shelter.

Success: Pro-Environmental Laws Protected From Republican Attack

Limits on methane emissions will remain intact thanks to three Republican senators who voted against the repeal of these limits. This is extremely important in the face of the Trump administration’s every effort to destroy the environment. Sign this petition to thank Senator John McCain for helping to turn the vote the right way.

Success: Taiwan Bans the Sale of Dog and Cat Meat

Taiwan has recently issued a ban on the sale and consumption of dog and cat meat in addition to stronger general animal protection laws. This is a huge step forward for Asia’s understanding of animal welfare. Sign this petition to thank the president of Taiwan for helping to make this possible.

Success: Publishing Company Drops Bigot As Their Client

Publishing company Simon & Schuster has dropped the controversial Milo Yianopoulos as a client after the editor was captured on video endorsing pedophilic relations between men and young teenage boys. Sign this petition to thank the company for refusing to publish this dangerous man’s work.

Success: Trump’s Muslim Ban Officially Rejected

The United States Court of Appeals has officially blocked Donald Trump’s ban on Muslims entering the country. This is a great victory and much needed after the dark first weeks of Trump’s presidency. Sign this petition to thank the honorable judge who refused to allow such an act of xenophobia.

Success: Anti-Transgender Bathroom Bill Rejected

Governor Daurgaard of South Dakota recently rejected a bill that would deny transgender people their right to use the bathroom, locker room, or shower of their choice. In the never-ending fight for the rights of transgender people, this is an amazing accomplishment. Sign this petition to thank Governor Daurgaard.

Success: Transgender Soldiers Now Allowed to Openly Serve

Thanks to Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, transgender people are now allowed to serve openly in the U.S. Armed Forces. Sign this petition to thank him for taking this step toward transgender equality.

Success: Ivory Sales Banned in the U.S.

Virtually all sales of ivory from African elephants will now be banned in the U.S. Praise officials for this vital action that is essential to protecting elephants from illegal poaching and extinction.

Success: Net Neutrality Preserved

Net neutrality, the concept of an internet with equal accessibility for everyone, has been upheld in a landmark ruling. Praise this decision, which will preserve an open internet.

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