Pregnant Cow Reportedly Beheaded With Unborn Calf Ripped from Body: Demand Justice

Target: K Shashi Kiran Shetty, Advocate General of Karnataka, India

Goal: Ensure maximum penalties are pursued against those allegedly responsible for brutally dismembering a pregnant cow.

A pregnant cow was reportedly discovered beheaded, with its legs severed and body horrifically torn open. To amplify the cruelty of this apparent attack, the unborn calf was also apparently removed and brutally mutilated. This shocking discovery has sparked deep outrage, given the disturbing details that suggest the animal endured unimaginable suffering.

According to accounts, law enforcement is investigating whether these actions were motivated by profit from meat or an attempt to incite further trouble in the community. The cow’s caretaker, who had owned the animal for many years, was devastated by the heartless nature of the alleged killing. Observers fear that a failure to respond firmly will only embolden those capable of such alleged cruelty.

A clear message must be sent that causing severe pain and violence against defenseless animals is unacceptable. Demanding a thorough investigation and the application of the strongest possible legal consequences can help deter future instances of such appalling mistreatment. Sign below and demand the alleged perpetrators are punished to the fullest extent of the law, and safeguard innocent creatures from such inhumane acts.


Dear K Shashi Kiran Shetty,

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deepest concern over reports of a pregnant cow that was apparently beheaded, dismembered, and brutally mutilated. This disturbing act also involved the unborn calf, which was allegedly found removed from its mother’s body and severely harmed. These horrifying details have shocked many people who cannot fathom the level of cruelty inflicted upon a living being.

The alleged perpetrators of this act should not be allowed to escape accountability. No community can feel safe when individuals capable of such apparent violence toward an innocent animal are not held responsible. A thorough investigation is essential to uncover any motive behind this brutality, whether it was profit from meat or otherwise.

We respectfully urge you to use every resource available to ensure that the parties reportedly involved face the maximum penalties under the law. By doing so, you can help prevent similar incidents, sending a strong message that heinous acts of cruelty will never be tolerated.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pavanaja

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12 Signatures

  • Becky Sawyer
  • Sandra Z
  • shirley swan
  • Robert Nowak
  • Bonnie Levingston
  • J.A.F. Plasmans
  • Kathleen Archibald
  • Corinne Senol
  • T Bruning
  • Verónica Gómez
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