Stop Animal Cruelty Crimes With Dedicated Abuse Unit

Target: Minister for Justice Helen McEntee, Ireland

Goal: Establish a dedicated Garda unit to combat animal abuse and ensure proper training in evidence gathering to protect animals from suffering.

Animals are reportedly suffering due to inadequate resources and training within the Gardaí to combat animal abuse effectively. Volunteer groups allege that the lack of a dedicated Garda unit has left massive amounts of abuse unaddressed, leaving innocent animals vulnerable to neglect and cruelty.

It has been alleged that Gardaí struggle with gathering evidence at animal crime scenes due to insufficient training, leading to a lack of prosecutions against perpetrators of animal cruelty. While other countries like the Netherlands have dedicated police units that investigate animal abuse and train officers in effective evidence collection, Ireland lags behind in this area.

Without a dedicated unit and proper training, animal abusers may continue their cruel actions unchecked, causing ongoing suffering to animals. Establishing a specialized Garda unit to combat animal abuse and provide necessary training is essential to ensure justice is served and to send a clear message that cruelty will not be tolerated. Take immediate action to create this unit and protect innocent animals from further harm.


Dear Minister Helen McEntee,

We are deeply concerned about reports that animals are suffering due to inadequate resources and training within the Gardaí to effectively combat animal abuse. Volunteer groups have been overwhelmed by the massive amounts of abuse they are dealing with, and the lack of a dedicated Garda unit is leaving innocent animals vulnerable to neglect and cruelty.

It has been alleged that Gardaí struggles with evidence gathering at animal crime scenes due to insufficient training, resulting in few prosecutions and allowing perpetrators to evade justice. Other countries, such as the Netherlands, have dedicated police units that investigate animal abuse and train officers to collect evidence that stands up in court. Ireland lacks such specialized units, which may hinder efforts to protect animal welfare.

We urge you to establish a dedicated Garda unit to combat animal abuse and to provide comprehensive training for officers in evidence gathering. By taking this action, you will help ensure that animal abusers are prosecuted and that a clear message is sent that cruelty will not be tolerated. Please take immediate steps to protect innocent animals from suffering and strengthen animal welfare law enforcement.


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Photo credit: AleGranholm

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29 Signatures

  • Verónica Gómez
  • Mary Windhorst
  • Diane Petrillo
  • Frank Kling
  • Gerri Petersen
  • mauricio carvajal
  • Gloria Navan
  • Gabriella Ciancone
  • Marguerite Elia
  • Deb McGee
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