Protect Animals From a Return to Trump’s Anti-Animal Policies

Target: Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Goal: Prevent a return to Trump’s deadly animal welfare policies that threatened endangered species and animals in captivity.

During Donald Trump’s administration, widespread rollbacks weakened essential animal welfare protections, leaving vulnerable species and captive animals at risk. His administration diminished enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act and the Endangered Species Act, allowing conditions to worsen in places like puppy mills and slaughterhouses. With Trump on the verge of reclaiming power, animal welfare advocates are concerned that his re-election would see a return to these anti-animal welfare policies, which many fear would once again expose animals to heightened risks of cruelty and endangerment.

The rollback of protections at pig slaughterhouses under Trump’s administration increased risks to both animals and workers, while his decision to strip gray wolves of federal protections endangered one of America’s iconic species. A return to these policies would be a serious setback for animal welfare. It is essential to reinstate protections and ensure they remain intact, even in the event of Trump’s possible re-election.


Dear Secretary Perdue,

The rollback of key animal protections under former President Trump’s administration resulted in weakened enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act and Endangered Species Act, creating significant risks for animals in puppy mills, roadside zoos, and slaughterhouses. Trump’s decisions endangered species like gray wolves and raised concerns about increased animal cruelty. With Trump now running for president again, there is a real fear that the country will be forced to return to these anti-animal policies.

We urge you to safeguard animal welfare by ensuring that federal protections remain strong and that any harmful rollbacks do not resurface. Please prioritize the well-being of vulnerable animals and prevent a return to these dangerous policies.

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Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

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27 Signatures

  • Dee Muller
  • Christina Viljoen
  • Melody Montminy
  • Jocelyne Behr
  • Gloria Navan
  • Nile Nugnez
  • Ethelia Medrano
  • Lynn Borgen
  • Wanza Lutz
  • Wanza Lutz
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