Stop Putting Octopuses in Danger for Viral Videos

Target: TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew

Goal: Enforce strict policies to prevent the abuse of octopuses for viral videos on TikTok.

Videos have surfaced on social media platforms showing octopuses swirling in the open water column, a behavior that is unnatural and stressful for these creatures. According to marine biologists, octopuses in these videos are either manually placed or scared into the water column by humans to capture visually appealing footage for viral content. This practice causes significant distress and potential harm to the animals.

Octopuses are benthic dwellers, meaning they naturally reside on the ocean floor. Swimming in the open water exposes them to predators and exhausts them, as their primary defense mechanisms—inking, jetting, and camouflage—are less effective in this environment. Forcing them into the open water for entertainment puts them at risk of injury or death, constituting a form of animal abuse.

Immediate action is necessary to prevent further harm to these intelligent and sensitive creatures. Social media platforms have a responsibility to regulate content that allegedly promotes or results from animal cruelty. Demand that TikTok enforces strict policies to prohibit such content and takes steps to protect octopuses and other animals from exploitation for viral videos.


Dear CEO Shou Zi Chew,

I am writing to express deep concern over reports that octopuses are being forced into unnatural and stressful situations to create viral videos shared on TikTok. Marine biologists have indicated that these videos, which show octopuses swirling in the open water column, likely involve the animals being manually placed or scared into this environment by humans. Such practices cause significant distress and potential harm to these intelligent creatures.

Octopuses are naturally benthic animals that dwell on the ocean floor. Forcing them into open water exposes them to predators and exhausts them, as their defense mechanisms are less effective in this setting. The creation and sharing of content that allegedly involves animal cruelty not only endangers the animals but also promotes unethical behavior among viewers.

I urge you to take immediate action to enforce strict policies that prevent the uploading and sharing of content involving the reported abuse of octopuses and other animals. By doing so, TikTok can demonstrate a commitment to animal welfare and set a positive example for responsible content creation and sharing.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: DaugarrdDK

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