Call for Safer Live Animal Transport After Subway Panic Over Escaped Crabs

Target: Janno Lieber, CEO of New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Goal: Establish clear and enforceabl guidelines for safely transporting live animals on public transportation to prevent public safety hazards.

A chaotic situation unfolded recently on a New York subway when a woman’s bag filled with live crabs burst open, causing panic as the crabs scattered across the train floor. Passengers were visibly startled and disoriented as the crabs crawled through the car, creating a potentially dangerous environment for both the animals and commuters. Despite the quick actions of bystanders who helped to gather the crabs, this incident underscores the urgent need for clear guidelines regarding the safe transportation of live animals on public transit.

While this particular incident ended without serious injury, it could have escalated differently. The event emphasizes a gap in transportation safety protocols, particularly in dealing with live animals that could escape or cause harm to passengers in confined public spaces. Without proper guidelines, similar occurrences could lead to accidents, animal abuse, or even public health risks. Take immediate action.


Dear CEO Lieber,

I am writing to bring attention to a recent incident on a New York subway, where a woman’s bag of live crabs burst open, causing panic among commuters as the crabs scattered across the train floor. While fellow passengers quickly stepped in to assist the woman in safely containing the crabs, this event underscores a concerning gap in public transportation safety protocols, particularly when it comes to the transport of live animals.

The absence of clear and enforceable guidelines for transporting live animals on public transit poses a risk not only to the animals themselves but also to passengers who may be alarmed or injured in such scenarios. This incident could have easily resulted in accidents, injuries, or even harm to the animals involved. Fortunately, this situation ended without major incident, but we should not wait for a more serious event to occur before taking action.

I urge the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to implement clear rules and safety measures for transporting live animals, such as requiring secure containers for animals and providing guidance to passengers on how to safely travel with them. These guidelines will help prevent future incidents, ensure the safety of both commuters and animals, and maintain a calm and orderly public transportation environment.

Your attention to this matter is crucial in safeguarding passengers and avoiding unnecessary risks. Thank you for considering this important issue. I hope the MTA will take steps to ensure the safety of all its riders, including our animal companions.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Adam E. Moreira

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9 Signatures

  • Corinne Senol
  • Ravinder Singh
  • Deirdre Martinez
  • Raleigh Koritz
  • Diane Petrillo
  • Katha Kerr
  • Teresa Barquet
  • Kathy Dorr
  • Judy Embry
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