Address Bestiality Case Involving Man’s Alleged “Affair” With Dolphin

Target: Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida

Goal: Investigate case of man who claims to have had sexual relationship with dolphin, and crack down on bestiality.

A disturbing case has emerged involving Malcolm Brenner, who openly claims to have engaged in a sexual relationship with a dolphin named Dolly in the 1970s. Brenner alleges that this relationship was consensual and based on mutual affection, as described in his novel Wet Goddess. Despite his assertions, this case raises significant concerns about the ethical treatment of animals and highlights a potential loophole in current laws that fail to adequately protect animals from sexual abuse.

Animals, like humans, deserve protection from exploitation and abuse. This case exemplifies the urgent need for stronger animal protection laws that specifically address and criminalize acts of bestiality, ensuring that no individual can exploit animals under the guise of affection or consent.

Call on state law enforcement and animal welfare agencies to thoroughly investigate this case and review existing legislation to prevent future occurrences of such alleged abuse. It is crucial to hold individuals accountable for actions that harm or exploit animals, and to ensure that laws are in place to protect vulnerable animals from suffering. Demand justice for Dolly and push for stronger laws that protect all animals from abuse and exploitation.


Dear AG Moody,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent allegations made by Malcolm Brenner, who claims to have engaged in a sexual relationship with a dolphin named Dolly. Such actions, if true, represent a grave violation of animal rights and highlight a significant gap in our legal framework concerning the protection of animals from sexual exploitation.

Animals are sentient beings that rely on humans for protection and care. They cannot give consent in the same way humans can, making it imperative that we establish clear and stringent laws to protect them from any form of abuse. Brenner’s public admission and the content of his novel Wet Goddess are deeply troubling, and I believe they warrant immediate investigation.

I urge you to thoroughly investigate this case and take appropriate legal action against any individual found guilty of exploiting animals. Furthermore, I request that your agency reviews and strengthens existing laws to ensure that all animals are protected from similar acts of abuse in the future.

It is our responsibility as a society to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Please take swift action to address this issue and ensure that justice is served.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: safaritravelplus


  1. This monster needs to be in a cage and never let out AGAIN!!!!

  2. Love in the ocean? Love is love but we express it differently. We don’t rape sisters, mothers, fathers, brothers, friends or animals be they land or ocean animals. If this man had such a love then why make it into a book? This guy isn’t sound mentally. I am tired of people, men, performing Bestiality on animals and getting away with it. Rape of any type needs to be met with them an having his penis surgically removed. Too many rapes occur of children, women, and animals, and now even animals of the ocean. Men won’t stop but knowing they will have their penis surgically removed will stop some of this horrific crime. Men don’t deserve a penis if they can’t keep their privates private. Kids and animals don’t want your penis so keep it to yourself.

  3. Robert Ortiz says:

    This world is getting sicker, stranger and scarier by the day.

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