Save Goldfish Reportedly Trapped in Shallow, Unsanitary Puddle

Target: Eric Adams, Mayor of New York City

Goal: Don’t leave more than two dozen goldfish apparently languishing in puddle at “sidewalk aquarium.”

In Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, a group of local residents allegedly created an impromptu public aquarium by placing around 30 goldfish in a shallow puddle formed by a leaking fire hydrant. The fish, swimming in polluted water filled with debris, reportedly face unsanitary and unsafe conditions. The men involved reportedly intended this as a beautification effort but have faced backlash from animal advocates and local residents.

Despite their claims of caring for the fish, critics have reported the situation as animal cruelty. Complaints have been filed, and the city’s Department of Environmental Protection has been involved, citing safety concerns and the unsuitability of the location for fish. Remove the fish and house them in a more appropriate environment to prevent further harm.


Dear Mayor Eric Adams,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the situation in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, where a group of men have allegedly created an impromptu public aquarium by placing goldfish in a puddle formed by a leaking fire hydrant. While their intentions may have been well-meaning, the conditions in which these fish are apparently being kept are far from suitable, leading to serious concerns about their well-being.

The fish, reportedly housed in a shallow puddle filled with debris, face unsanitary and unsafe conditions. This has rightfully sparked outrage among animal advocates and local residents. The city’s Department of Environmental Protection has intervened, citing safety concerns and the unsuitability of the location for fish.

I urge you to take immediate action to ensure that these fish are relocated to a proper habitat where they can thrive. Additionally, please consider implementing measures to prevent similar incidents in the future and ensure that public spaces are not used for alleged acts of animal neglect.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: nymawayca

One Comment

  1. These poor fish. I understand the people trying to help but this isn’t the way to do so. I want to know who did this cruel action in the first place? These fish may be killed by pollution or killed by animals to serve as food. Birds may sneak in a take a few for dinner. Call the police or Animal Welfare and give them the direct to the puddle with the fish. I just am concerned that we, as a society, are becoming lost, mentally, in this fast paced, weird, world. We have no empathy. We don’t seem to care about anything anymore.

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