Demand Stronger Enforcement Against Animal Cruelty Allegations

Target: Chief Minister Hajiji Noor, Sabah, Malaysia

Goal: Ensure strict enforcement of animal welfare laws in Kota Kinabalu and hold those responsible for animal cruelty accountable.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Kota Kinabalu (SPCAKK) has raised concerns about insufficient enforcement of animal cruelty laws in the region. This issue has persisted for years, with little action taken against alleged perpetrators. A recent incident involved two kittens abandoned in front of an animal clinic, captured on CCTV. Despite the apparently clear evidence, the allegedly responsible individual faced no legal penalties beyond paying medical and quarantine fees.

The Sabah Animal Welfare Enactment 2015 states that abandoning animals is a punishable offense, yet the case was closed with minimal consequences. SPCAKK, a non-profit organization relying on donations, is left to shoulder the ongoing care costs for the kittens, including vaccinations and food.

This lack of accountability not only perpetuates animal cruelty but also erodes public trust in the effectiveness of animal protection laws. Take decisive action to prevent further incidents and uphold the welfare of animals.


Dear Chief Minister Hajiji Noor,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the apparent lack of enforcement in animal cruelty cases in Kota Kinabalu. The recent incident involving the abandonment of two kittens highlights a troubling trend where alleged perpetrators face minimal consequences for their actions. This undermines the effectiveness of the Sabah Animal Welfare Enactment 2015 and fails to deter future cruelty.

Animal welfare organizations like the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Kota Kinabalu (SPCAKK) are left with the burden of caring for abandoned animals, despite existing laws that should protect these animals from harm.

I urge you to ensure stricter enforcement of animal welfare laws and hold individuals accountable for cruelty to animals. It is vital to restore public trust in our legal system and protect the welfare of all animals in Kota Kinabalu.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: CEphoto, Uwe Aranas


  1. Those who abuse animals and kids or anyone else need to be persecuted as well as prosecuted! Make them pay for their ugly actions

    Let’s do unto them what they did unto others. The same torture, the same amount of time. They may die while knowing how much harm they caused to other innocents. These are criminals. Give them no respect and show them no mercy!

  2. Julie Bates says:

    Malaysia doesn’t care a rats ass about animals!!!

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  • Brenda Dumont
  • Flora Psarianos
  • Jay Jazzy
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  • Wanmai Pailin
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