Stop Climate Change From Making Vegetables Less Nutritious

Target: Tom Vilsack, Secretary of U.S. Department of Agriculture

Goal: Invest in biofortification as means to bolster nutrient content in vegetables.

Vitamin A, iron, and zinc are just a few of the vital nutrients found in vegetables. Yet according to research, decades of punishment from climate change have slashed vegetable nutrients by up to half. Soaring levels of carbon dioxide are believed to be a main driver of this stunning nutritional loss.

While fortification has emerged as a leading method to bolster nutrients found in foods, the typical chemical process can possibly cause harm itself, and it’s mostly used on products after they have been generated. An alternative quickly gaining traction infuses needed nutrients during the growing process. Genetic modification of plants, utilization of nutrient-rich fertilizers or soil, and selective plant breeding are some of the methods integral to this approach.

Developing countries with broader malnutrition problems are investing heavily in biofortification, but developed countries are largely ignoring the process’ benefits in favor of chemical fortification. Sign the petition below to urge evaluation and support of this important tool to combat a hidden devastating effect of the climate crisis.


Dear Secretary Vilsack,

Food insecurity is a harmful throughline of the climate crisis. In just a few decades’ time, levels of vital nutrients like iron, Vitamin A, and zinc have plummeted in global crops – due in large part to rising carbon levels. Meanwhile, large industrial farm conglomerates are exacerbating the problem while attempting to mitigate it with chemical fortification.

Unfortunately, it’s not enough. In fact, it may very well be compounding and continuing the cycle. Nations that are currently grappling with the gravity of this problem are funneling their investments into the more eco-friendly and efficient biofortification. It’s long past time for the United States to follow suit, as the current crises of developing countries will be the crises of tomorrow for developed nations. Get ahead of the problem by formulating a long-term plan to make biofortification a key ally to American agriculture.

In the process, provide a better roadmap for navigating the climate crisis.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Esra Nurdogan

One Comment

  1. The USA will not do anything. If the GOP win there White House they will do even less, if that’s possible. Climate Change us doing so much damage but the nutrient quality of the food grown here is due to pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, etc. We allowed our Corporations and businesses to do this to our country. We are whores for a dollar. No matter the business it is never about the interest of making life better but only about the bottom line. Owners and CEO’s of such businesses need to be the bottom line. Six feet under cramps anyone’s style! We must clean up this country for the good of people doing all the work but not getting many benefits.Down with CEO’s and UP with PeoplePower!

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242 Signatures

  • Wanmai Pailin
  • sarah sowambur
  • Marina Ris
  • Jay Jazzy
  • Marina Ris
  • Marina Ris
  • Kathryn Fenn
  • Marina Ris
  • Doug Phillips
  • Vincent L
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