Demand Justice for Dog Allegedly Punched While Held by Collar

Target: Katherine Fernandez Rundle, Miami-Dade County State Attorney, Florida

Goal: Ensure strict legal consequences for those allegedly responsible for animal cruelty in Homestead.

In Homestead, a viral video allegedly showing a man repeatedly punching a small dog has sparked outrage. The man appears to be restraining the defenseless animal by its collar while threatening its airways and raining down blows on its head, neck, and body. The dog is apparently seen desperately trying to escape, which makes the footage even more distressing.

The video was shared by the Instagram page “Only in Dade,” known for highlighting notable events in the Miami-Dade area. Reports suggest that two dogs were kept in poor conditions on the man’s property, possibly leading to neglect and abuse. Instead of improving their situation, the owner reportedly resorted to violence as punishment.

This alleged act of cruelty demands a strong legal response. Ensuring justice for the dog and preventing future abuse are critical. Take immediate legal action against those responsible for this apparent abuse to protect vulnerable animals.


Dear State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle,

A disturbing video recently surfaced, reportedly showing a man in Homestead restraining a small dog by its collar and repeatedly punching it. This apparent act of cruelty, shared on the Instagram page “Only in Dade,” has sparked significant public outrage and demands urgent attention.

The footage reveals the dog struggling to escape as the man holds it by the collar, threatening its airways. Reports also suggest that the man kept two dogs in poor conditions on his property, indicating a broader pattern of neglect and abuse. Such alleged behavior is unacceptable and necessitates swift legal action.

We urge you to pursue strict legal consequences for those reportedly responsible for this act of animal cruelty. Ensuring justice for the dog and preventing future incidents is vital. Please take immediate steps to address this issue and protect vulnerable animals in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Studio Saiz


  1. Robert Brossard says:

    PLEASE take immediate legal action against those responsible for this apparent abuse to protect all vulnerable animals.

  2. goh maria says:

    The pitiful dogs need to be removed from this bastard animal abuser’s premisesand rehomed to a good family immediately! Please dont let them live in fear and pain everyday! Meantime, this sob should face jailtime and banned from keeping pets since he doesnt know how to respect them as living beings!

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