Demand Justice for Dead Dog Reportedly Found Hanging from Tree

Target: Dennis McShane, Prosecuting Attorney – Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada

Goal: Ensure prosecution for the alleged cruelty that led to a dog’s death.

In a shocking incident in Sault Ste. Marie, a dog was found deceased, allegedly hanging from a tree in a blatant act of cruelty. Police were alerted to this gruesome discovery, leading to a swift response and the subsequent arrest of the individual believed responsible. This disturbing case has prompted calls for a stern legal response to ensure such acts are not overlooked.

Further investigation led authorities to the owner of the dog, who was reportedly seen in the vicinity and matched the description of a suspect. The accused has since been charged with animal cruelty, but the severity and barbarity of the act warrant a broader community response. Details of the case reveal a seemingly troubling disregard for life and safety, sparking outrage and a demand for justice to be served comprehensively.

The gravity of this crime compels us to seek immediate action. It is not only a matter of punishing a single act of alleged cruelty but also about sending a clear message that such actions have severe consequences. Stand together to advocate for justice and ensure that the legal system responds with the full weight of the law.


Dear Prosecutor Dennis McShane,

We write to you deeply troubled by the incident of alleged animal cruelty in Sault Ste. Marie, where a dog was purportedly hung from a tree. Such an act shocks the conscience and demands a serious legal response. As community members, we implore you to take decisive action in this case.

The individual accused of this cruelty was quickly identified and charged, reflecting the seriousness with which our local law enforcement treats such offenses. However, the community seeks reassurance that this case will be met with the fullest legal rigor, ensuring that justice is not only served but seen to be served. We urge you to prioritize this case, ensuring that it is prosecuted effectively and that the punishment reflects the heinous nature of the crime.

In conclusion, we call upon your office to act decisively and with urgency. The community trusts in your capacity to uphold justice and ensure that those who commit such appalling acts are held accountable. Let this case serve as a deterrent to similar acts of cruelty and reinforce our societal values of compassion and justice.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ben Tudor Price


  1. Rip poor baby you deserve better. Hang the SOB and make the world a bette replace

  2. Hazel kite says:

    This sick depraved individual is a danger to humans and animals alike,a possible serial killer

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  • Wanmai Pailin
  • Jay Jazzy
  • Kathryn Fenn
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  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
  • Kathy Harris
  • Judy Pritchett
  • Siân Street
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