Seek Justice for Puppy Allegedly Abused Over Urinating in Cage

Target: Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton, Michigan

Goal: Prosecute and secure justice for Nugget, ensuring this alleged cruelty is addressed legally.

A concerning report emerged from Genesee County about the alleged mistreatment of a puppy named Nugget. During a press conference, authorities detailed how this small animal suffered under allegedly abusive conditions. Urgent calls for justice are necessary due to the distressing nature of these claims.

Investigators reportedly discovered Nugget in a dire state, with evidence suggesting he endured physical abuse for natural accidents like urinating in his cage. Additional observations allegedly included a lack of necessities such as food and clean living conditions. Such apparent neglect paints a harrowing picture of suffering that demands immediate attention.

This petition aims to underline the critical need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws. By ensuring those allegedly responsible for such acts face the consequences, we can foster a community that stands firmly against cruelty. Use this case as a precedent for rigorous legal action against animal abuse.


Dear Prosecutor Leyton,

We write to you deeply concerned about the recent allegations of animal abuse in your jurisdiction, specifically, the case involving a puppy named Nugget. The reported details of this case are not only disturbing but call for a firm response to prevent future incidents.

According to reports, Nugget was found in unacceptable conditions, and subjected to physical abuse and neglect. This situation reportedly came to light after a delivery driver witnessed the abuse firsthand. Such actions, if proven true, should not go unpunished under the laws designed to protect the innocent and voiceless.

We urge you to take swift and decisive action in this matter. Prosecute the alleged perpetrator to the fullest extent of the law and work to ensure that this apparent cruelty is met with the seriousness it deserves. Our community must uphold a standard of compassion and justice for all beings.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Brian Hathcock


  1. Poor dog shouldn’t be caged in the first place & to beat the dog because he had to piss.. he’s trapped & abused.. of course he’s going to piss in the cage.. where the fuck else is going to piss. He’s probably pissing all the time because he’s scared & Being abused for fuck sake. Put these putrid excuses for human beings in a filthy cage & leave them to suffer & die. EVIL BASTARDS

  2. Patricia Mitchell says:

    The sheer number of ABUSIVE, CRUEL PEOPLE should be shocking, but I deal with this every day…SO APPARENTLY ignorant humans are getting worse!!
    PROSECUTE THIS HORRIBLE PERSON…AND an order NOT to be in a house with ‘pets’ EVER. (THEY ALWAYS DO IT AGAIN.)

  3. Fine them and throw them in jail

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  • Wanmai Pailin
  • Vincent L
  • Kathy Harris
  • Judy Pritchett
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  • Maryann Piccione
  • Karen Landry
  • Flora Psarianos
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  • Brad Sahl
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