Demand Justice for Cat Allegedly Killed on Camera

Target: Yılmaz Tunç, Justice Minister of Turkey

Goal: Enact harsher punishments for animal cruelty to honor Eros and prevent future atrocities.

A chilling incident of animal cruelty has shaken hearts, where a cat, later named “Eros,” allegedly fell victim to a brutal act. CCTV footage exposed İbrahim Keloğlon allegedly attacking Eros, culminating in the animal’s tragic demise within an İstanbul elevator. Such an apparent merciless act against a defenseless creature has rightly ignited widespread fury.

Despite a conviction, the accused perpetrator was set free under judicial control after a courtroom decision, albeit after being sentenced initially. This leniency, despite being deemed the “harshest penalty” under current legislation by authorities, sparked protests and vocal dissatisfaction among animal rights defenders. Their outcry underscores a glaring disparity between the punitive measures available and the severity of the offense.

This case highlights a systemic failure to adequately protect animals and deter future cruelty. A more formidable legal framework is imperative to ensure justice for Eros and countless other victims of similar violence. Demand immediate action towards the establishment of sterner penalties for animal cruelty.


Dear Minister Yılmaz Tunç,

A heart-wrenching event has spotlighted a dire need for reform in our animal protection laws. The case of Eros, a cat allegedly subjected to fatal violence, has not only saddened individuals across the nation but also showcased the inadequacies in our current legal system to prevent such atrocities. Despite İbrahim Keloğlon’s conviction for this alleged cruel act, the ensuing leniency has left a void in our collective quest for justice.

The outcry following this decision underscores a broader societal demand for change. The current legal provisions fall short of offering real justice for animal victims of violence. This case, while receiving significant attention, is but a single instance in a wider epidemic of animal cruelty that plagues our communities.

We, therefore, urge you to champion the cause for stricter animal protection laws. By doing so, you have the power to set a precedent that such acts of cruelty will not be tolerated. Our demand is simple yet critical: establish harsher penalties for animal cruelty, ensuring justice for Eros and safeguarding countless other animals from similar fates. It is time for our legal system to reflect the compassion and justice our society strives for.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Himbeerchen

One Comment

  1. Mary Young says:

    See theirs not a fucking judge in the United States cares about animals they have no back bones cause all the animals abuser took there back bone away from them now all the judges are nothing but puppets and the abuser controls them

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