Poodle Apparently Covered in Feces and Discarded in Dumpster Deserves Justice

Target: Seth Edwards, District Attorney of Beaufort County

Goal: Prosecute and penalize the individual allegedly responsible for the poodle’s neglect and abandonment.

In a shocking incident in Beaufort, S.C., a poodle now known as Treasure was allegedly discovered inside a dumpster, encased in a trash bag alongside dirty diapers. This act of apparent cruelty not only highlights the grim reality of animal neglect but also calls for an immediate and stringent response from our legal system.

According to reports from Noah’s Arks Rescue, Treasure was in a dire state, with two pounds of matted fur covered in feces and urine, which obscured his vision completely. Further distressing details reveal Treasure’s seemingly critical condition upon rescue, including severe starvation and the need for gradual feeding to prevent fatal outcomes. These allegations, if true, underscore a blatant disregard for life and well-being, demanding not just public outcry but also legal scrutiny and action.

The severity of Treasure’s condition upon discovery—weighing merely 10 pounds, with overgrown nails and his eyes completely covered by matted fur—paints a harrowing picture of apparent neglect. Such alleged acts of cruelty not only harm the individual animal but also erode societal values, showing a disturbing tolerance for violence and neglect. Noah’s Arks Rescue’s involvement brought to light the urgent care and rehabilitation needed for Treasure, emphasizing the broader issue of animal welfare and the need for vigilant and proactive legal measures against such alleged acts of cruelty.

The necessity for change is clear. By demanding legal action against the individual allegedly responsible for this appalling act, we voice our collective insistence on justice, accountability, and the importance of animal welfare. Ensure that such alleged acts of cruelty do not go unpunished and that they serve as a deterrent for future offenses.


Dear DA Seth Edwards,

The recent discovery of a poodle, now affectionately named Treasure, allegedly left to die in a dumpster within your jurisdiction, has ignited widespread outrage and concern. This case, as reported, involves the poodle being found in a trash bag amidst dirty diapers, severely neglected, and in a state of starvation so severe that immediate and specialized care was necessary to save his life. The alleged details of Treasure’s condition, including the removal of two pounds of matted fur laden with waste and the necessity of careful feeding protocols to mitigate the risks of his fragile state, are deeply disturbing and call for our collective action.

This alleged act of cruelty not only highlights the immediate suffering inflicted upon Treasure but also raises significant concerns regarding the broader issue of animal neglect and abuse within our community. The fact that Treasure survived such seemingly harrowing conditions is a testament to his resilience and the swift action taken by Noah’s Arks Rescue; however, it also underscores the urgent need for legal intervention to ensure justice is served and to prevent such alleged acts from occurring in the future.

Therefore, we respectfully urge you to prioritize the investigation into this matter and to prosecute and penalize the individual(s) allegedly responsible for this act of cruelty to the fullest extent of the law. By doing so, you will send a powerful message that animal cruelty is a serious crime that will not be tolerated in our community. We trust in your commitment to justice and in your ability to act decisively in response to this call for action.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pickpik


  1. Mary Young says:

    I am so sick and tired of hateful damn low life humans hurting animals 💔 😪

  2. Terrie C. Williams says:

    If only we had ‘an eye for an eye and a life for a life’ but no. I dispise ‘people’ (they are NOT human beings) who do evil things to animals and children. My Karmic solution…let them receive the EXACT SAME treatment that they inflicted on their victims, human or animal, and see what happens then….

  3. Urszula Lund says:

    NO animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED, and criminal PSYCHOPATHS.
    LAWMAKERS, this will not be tolerated in a civilized society. TAKE ACTION to END this shocking animal mistreatment.
    It’s your DUTY as humans!!

    • Totally agree, its time to make the punishment fit the crime for animal cruelty, these evil morons never get the punishment they deserve. These cruel psychos deserve the same treatment and its time the law enforced animal cruelty laws. Find the pos and lock them up, make sure they never own another animal.

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      If there were a law against breeding this most likely would not happen. South Carolina is notorious for backyard breeding. My friend adopted a puppy that came from that state.

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


  4. Jean Mary Pilling says:

    Anyone who thinks it’s acceptable to discard a living creature as if it was just some old rubbish should never be allowed to have a pet

  5. Why use words like ‘if true’ . Of course it’s true. That’s how he was found and somebody needs to be made to pay for what is obviously months of neglect.

  6. Blair Rochelle Sorrel says:

    We have to be the cruelest, most selfish of all species. You can relinquish with impunity, call Animal Control, and not torture or neglect a helpless, sentient being. If that’s too much effort you should never adopt in the first place because caring requires effort and the heart that that this fiend clearly lacks. Thank goodness poor Treasure survived and will have a better future.

  7. Mary Hirose says:

    in a trash bag with diapers, eh? Bet there’s a receipt and other evidence to find who did this. Diapers = baby/toddler and DNA. Find who did this and fine them $$$$ because that they will understand. Then, maximum punishment, lifetime ban from caring for any animals, and make they pay for all the costs to care for this poor pup for life. Thank you.

    • Patricia Williams says:

      Now there’s a child to be neglected, traumatized and maybe starved. Find this POS and protect the baby. Poor Treasure tossed like trash, when the scum that did it is the Real trash.

  8. Sandra Weber says:

    You need to put forth extraordinary efforts to find who did this!! It should not be too hard, ask neighbors who owned a small white poodle and now it’s gone and who has a small child that would wear diapers. What was done to this little dog is unfathomable! Just find who did this and prosecute them and make them pay for their cruelty! Way too many people get off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. There are too many lenient prosecutors and judges and that has to change!

  9. Wendy Morrison says:


  10. THE CRUEL BASTARD SHOULD BE REMOVE FROM SOCIETY FOR EVER. The piece of garbage doesn’t deserve to life

  11. Kae Lynn Blecha says:

    Law enforcement needs to get serious about investigating animal cruelty, especially when obvious DNA and fingerprints could be present. It’s not about the choice of victim, it’s about the personality defects of the perpetrator. Heck, if they find out who trashed the dog, they could then check on the welfare of the baby who might be mistreated as well.

  12. Maria Lavorato says:

    Treasure was dumped like a piece of trash! Who would do that?
    A psycho! Who will no doubt go and get another animal to victimize with torture. …and Treasure was sadly probably not the first animal brutalized..

    You MUST prioritize and investigate this case fully so that all responsible are held accountable to the maximum punishment the law will allow. So that a clear message is sent that animal brutality will not be tolerated. They must never be allowed to get away with cruelty towards any animal as it only perpetuates if the law does not act accordingly to get them off the street with substantial consequential punishment.

  13. Susan Rodriguez says:

    Something has to be done about animal cruelty. We need much tougher penalties and jail time. I am so tired of hearing about horrible cases and not much happens to whoever caused it. I can’t imagine how much this dog suffered before the bastard put him in a plastic bag and threw him away like garbage.
    Thank goodness someone found him and he is getting help.

  14. Jacqueline says:

    Find this thing!! someone with a baby who used to have a poodle in the neighbourhood Treasure was found.
    When found, immediately starve , beat and dump in the trash with fece diapers..and close the lid for good!!!!!

  15. Agree all comments do same to this fucker.

  16. Find and prosecute this heartless lowlife to the full extent of the law. If we implement the death penalty for animal abuse and cruelty I feel strongly these horrific acts would cease to exist.

  17. Whoever done this to treasure I hope you die a horrific death just like you tried to do with this innocent dog. HUMAN FCKIN GARBAGE..

  18. Stephanie Geyser says:

    If this is how these sub-humans treat an animal, I wonder how they treat their own kids (don’t forget the words “….alongside dirty diapers….”). It’s a pity that trash like this is allowed to breed more sub-humans. Castration would be an ideal solution.

  19. People within the legal system have got to stop playing games with these poor abused animals lives this is not a joke these lowlife scumbags must be met with severe punishment because as we’ve all seen time and time again this sick twisted cruelty happens multiple times every single day and it’s not slowing down in fact it’s worse than ever so to all of us on these petition sites who fight every day to help these poor animals out we can’t do this alone we’ve have had enough of these sickening torture events do your jobs get serious with severe penalties no more slapping their hands these poor animals are victims and should never ever be treated as trash like they are they suffer they feel pain abandonment sadness are starved and beaten to death come on enough already you have to step up and get tough get real serious about these crimes or next it will be our children!

  20. Jaime Perez says:

    Rotten, stinking low life scum who did this appalling thing to Treasure. Severe and harsh punishments need to be handed out to animal abusers. No more slaps on the wrist or paltry fines. Hard labor in prison for a very long time!!

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