Justice for Animals Reportedly Sexually Abused on Video

Target: Scott R. Smith, District Attorney of Ohio County, Indiana, USA

Goal: Ensure the strictest legal consequences for individuals involved in sexual crimes against animals.

In the quiet town of Henderson, Kentucky, a harrowing incident surfaced, shaking the community to its core. Allegations have swirled around Matthew and Kimberly Dockery, involving unthinkable acts of animal cruelty. It began with a tip-off to the Hartford Police Department, carrying grave accusations and supported by photographic and video evidence. This led to an urgent investigation, uncovering alleged sexual crimes against animals, a profoundly disturbing revelation that has outraged all who cherish compassion and decency.

The police response was swift and decisive. They executed a search warrant at the Dockery residence in Hartford, confiscating several electronic devices and, crucially, rescuing two dogs from what it appears can only be described as a nightmare scenario. Matthew and Kimberly Dockery now face charges of engaging in sexual acts with animals and tampering with physical evidence, with their bonds set at $5,000 each. Yet, as the community reels and the investigation continues, the possibility of additional charges looms, hinting at the depth of the alleged depravity.

The gravity of these allegations demands a response that reflects the severity of the crimes and the community’s collective conscience. This is not merely a call for justice; it is a demand for a moral reckoning, an insistence on protecting the most vulnerable among us from unspeakable harm. Urge swift and resolute legal action to ensure that such alleged acts of cruelty are met with the fullest weight of the law, deterring any who dare contemplate similar atrocities.


Dear Scott R. Smith,

The case of Matthew and Kimberly Dockery, as it stands, is not just a legal matter but a test of our societal values. Allegations of sexual crimes against animals in your jurisdiction have surfaced, carrying with them a wave of public horror and demand for justice. This case, supported by evidence including photographs and videos, points to acts of such depravity that they shake the very foundation of our trust in humanity. In light of these serious allegations, your role becomes pivotal in ensuring that justice is not just served but seen to be served.

The facts, as alleged, are stark. The seizure of electronic devices and the rescue of two innocent animals from the Dockery residence appear to paint a picture of a hidden horror, brought to light by the diligent efforts of the Hartford Police Department. These charges, including the vile mistreatment of animals and attempts to obscure the truth by tampering with physical evidence, call for more than condemnation; they demand the strictest legal repercussions possible under our laws.

We, the undersigned, urge you to act decisively. We call upon your office to pursue this case with the utmost seriousness, ensuring that if these heinous acts are proven, they are met with the most severe penalties available. This is a moment for the legal system to stand firm against cruelty and to set a precedent that such acts will not be tolerated. We place our trust in your commitment to justice and in your recognition of the moral duty to protect all living beings from abuse and exploitation.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pixabay


  1. Urszula Lund says:

    This is beyond SHOCKING! What’s wrong with humans!? No animal deserves to be a victim of PERVERTED, DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! He must also be forbidden from coming near/owning animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law! Animals are like children and tormenting them is a CRIME and should be dealt with accordingly!!!

  2. This is beyond disgusting. According to NDE’s testimonies, when you die, you have some sort of life review and you feel x 10 what you inflicted to others. It goes also the other way for good deeds, so let’s never get tired of being kind and loving. Bless you for signing this petition and helping animals. You are my hero

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