Mouse Allegedly Drowned to Death on Camera Deserves Justice

Target: Jitendra Kumar Meena IPS, DCP North West Delhi, India

Goal: Ensure strict legal consequences for those allegedly involved in the mouse torture incident at Delhi Technological University.

The disturbing revelation of a mouse allegedly tortured and killed at Delhi Technological University New Delhi, India has shaken the conscience of many. Allegedly, two students committed this vile act, trapping the creature, pouring scalding water over it, and drowning it in a dark box, all while allegedly recording their abhorrent actions. Such a spectacle of cruelty, amplified by the circulation of these videos on social media, calls for immediate action.

Details of the incident are harrowing. According to reports, the mouse was confined in a box, subjected to hot water torture, and drowned, accompanied by the eerie soundtrack of Mozart’s Lacrimosa. It appears this twisted display of cruelty did not end there. Reportedly, the students held a mock funeral, showcasing the lifeless rodent and delivering speeches, demonstrating a chilling lack of empathy. PETA’s intervention led to the filing of an FIR, demanding justice for this defenseless creature.

This alleged heinous act, beyond its immediate brutality, hints at a deeper, more sinister problem. Research suggests that individuals who engage in animal cruelty often progress to harming humans. Therefore, addressing this issue is not only about seeking justice for the tortured mouse but also about ensuring the safety of the community. The demand is clear: strict legal action must be taken against the individuals involved, deterring such acts in the future and upholding the dignity of all living beings. Take immediate action.


Dear DCP Jitendra Kumar Meena,

The recent incident at Delhi Technological University, allegedly involving the torture and killing of a mouse by two students, has caused widespread outrage and concern. The reported details of this act, involving trapping the mouse, pouring hot water on it, and drowning it, all while recording these actions, are not just distressing but indicative of a severe lack of moral compass and respect for life.

This case is not merely about animal cruelty; it’s a grim reflection of the potential for further violence. The link between the alleged animal abuse and subsequent acts of violence against humans is well-documented. Addressing this issue swiftly and firmly is not only a matter of justice for the tortured mouse but also a crucial step in safeguarding the community from individuals who exhibit such disturbing behavior.

I urge you, as a community leader and enforcer of the law, to ensure that this case is treated with the seriousness it deserves. The individuals involved must face the full force of legal consequences, not only as a punitive measure but also as a deterrent to potential future acts of cruelty. This case should also serve as an opportunity to educate and sensitize the public about the significance of empathy and compassion towards all living beings.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Wall Boat


  1. Alice Knight says:

    Seriously, some people in India need to do a self check.
    What is the reason for such a lack or respect and dignity for other living beings? I am constantly appalled and over ridden with grief at all the animal abuse that takes place in India. It seems no one is held accountable and the people who create the cruelty and act on it, do not have any remorse and never come forward with what they have done. Shame on you and to the powers that be. Do something! Don’t allow this behaviour to continue.

  2. Evan Oakley says:

    Mice are very intelligent and emotionally complex mammals who love their families, enjoy learning, play, and are very capable of bonding closely with kind humans. It takes so little to simply show mercy. It takes nothing to simply refrain from going out of one’s way to terrorize and torture a tiny, utterly defenseless innocent. To go out of one’s way to torture a defenseless innocent, for attention, for clicks, for the most shallow form of validation, is the mark of the very lowest kind of human being. Someone who is capable of this is capable of inflicting any kind of suffering on any creature unfortunate enough to catch their attention. The perpetrator gives their country, people, and culture an undeserved bad name. They bring nothing but shame on their own family. To torture a helpless innocent for fun means you do not belong in any decent society. The perpetrator is also effectively saying: anyone bigger and stronger who wants to torture me for fun is entitled to do so, too. Should we do that? Find and torture to death the sick criminal who did this? Why not? They have proven to be less “human” than a mouse, who merely wants to be free from pain and fear and suffering.

  3. Lisa Finnigan says:

    I hope they were kicked out of the school and their academic records expunged.

  4. Sherry Akridge says:

    Two monsters torturing and killing a mouse. Disgusting! Recording their sick acts of torture and murder of a mouse. Another case of two monsters that do not deserve to breathe!

  5. It is HORRENDOUS what is going on in laboratories.. ( AND STILL NO CURES FOR ANYTHING!!!!!) Uni’s & other labs….Animals are being tortured, experimented on for fucking ANYTHING & EVERYTHING, chemicals poured down their throats, in their eyes, on their shaved skin,,, you name it! Torturous Medical research, the list of evils goes on & on & on in ALL labs & ALL these EVIL PUTRID SCUM OF THE EARTH STUDENTS are just left alone to have their own evil fun with these poor ALREADY SUFFERING ANIMALS. It is truly beyond belief what is happening to All Animals in labs & out in society. Makes me sick.
    All this fucking evil good for NOTHING INBRED MONSTERS NEED TO BE TORTURED TO DEATH!!!! & this evil human shit is the future,,, god help this fucked up world… there is no god! only evil & they keep on getting away with it.

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