Justice for Animals Reportedly Found Trapped in Squalor Without Water

Target: Dave Clark, Anderson County District Attorney, South Carolina, US

Goal: Ensure rigorous prosecution and stricter legal consequences for repeat offenders in animal abuse cases.

The horrifying discovery in an Anderson residence paints a grim picture of animal neglect and suffering. Authorities reportedly uncovered a tragic scene: five dogs, numerous cats, rabbits, and even birds and fish living in deplorable conditions, encaged among their own waste. This recent incident is not an isolated case but a recurring nightmare, as the individuals allegedly involved have a documented history of similar offenses. Such alleged egregious disregard for life and repeated acts of cruelty demand a resolute and unwavering response from the legal system.

Dianne Cricket Osborne, Gladys Ruth Lindley, and Wallace Eugene Johnson—the individuals implicated in this case—reportedly have a troubling history of animal abuse, with charges spanning over a decade. Despite past convictions and charges, their alleged continuing mistreatment of animals showcases a blatant disrespect for life and the laws designed to protect it. The alleged conditions described by authorities—animals trapped in filth, without access to clean water or adequate space—speak volumes of the suffering endured by these voiceless victims. This case not only highlights the immediate need for justice for these animals but also exposes the broader issue of inadequate legal repercussions for repeat offenders in animal cruelty cases in South Carolina.

The necessity for change is clear and urgent. This petition respectfully urges the Anderson County District Attorney to pursue the strictest possible charges against the alleged perpetrators and to advocate for policy changes that will ensure harsher penalties for repeat offenders in animal cruelty cases. Seek not only to secure justice for the victims of this particular case but also to catalyze a shift towards more stringent animal welfare laws in South Carolina. Prevent future atrocities and affirm our societal commitment to compassion and justice for all living beings.


Dear DA Dave Clark,

The recent case of alleged animal cruelty on Masters Drive in Anderson reveals a disturbing and unacceptable pattern of behavior by the accused. This incident, marked by the reported discovery of numerous animals forced to live in squalid, inhumane conditions, is a stark reminder of the urgent need for a robust legal response to such acts of cruelty. The individuals in question—Dianne Cricket Osborne, Gladys Ruth Lindley, and Wallace Eugene Johnson—have, according to records, a history of similar offenses, which exacerbates the severity of the current allegations.

The conditions in which these animals were reportedly found—their living spaces marred by filth and neglect—are profoundly distressing and demand a strong legal response. It is imperative that this case not only leads to appropriate legal repercussions for those involved but also serves as a catalyst for broader change in the treatment of animal cruelty cases, especially regarding repeat offenders. The community’s trust in the legal system hinges on its ability to effectively address and deter such heinous acts.

Therefore, I urge you to take all necessary steps to ensure that this case is prosecuted with the utmost rigor and that the charges reflect the gravity of the alleged crimes. Furthermore, I implore you to advocate for stronger legal measures against individuals who repeatedly engage in animal cruelty, thereby fostering a legal environment in South Carolina where such acts are met with the seriousness they warrant. By doing so, you will not only uphold justice for the victims of this case but also signal a commitment to protecting the most vulnerable among us.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Karthik s


  1. I would think South Carolina would be embarrassed by allowing repeat offenders to continue to abuse animals over and over again. S. Carolina looks desperately stupid without an ounce of compassion. No one with half a heart would live under such circumstances. Yet your state has deplorable laws, no enforcement, and a we don’t give a damn attitude. Is it just politicians or is it also inclusive of the people in the state. The three people you have allowed to continue spreading their hate and death in S. Carolina hardly speak for most of the residents. So? DO SOMETHING to ensure these people won’t do more of the same. Throw them in a court of law, have a jury decide their fate and throw them in the back of a prison where they won’t see the light of day until they almost can’t see due to old age. Nothing should be made comfortable for them … NEVER! They don’t deserve olive any better than their worst victim. Also improve your laws, make them extremely harsh for offenders and ENFORCE the laws otherwise they are meaningless as you have shown by your allowing these 3 mentally challenged people to live another day to cause more suffering.

  2. What’s wrong with all the damn states and laws here in the United States to me it all sounds like bullshit laws cause they have no care what so ever for animal rights

  3. Dose anyonebelive in eye for and eye and life for a life I belive in you take those to bitches and that bastards and put a bullet right between there eyes that’s what should happen to all animals abuser

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  • Sebastian Gomez Silva
  • Linda Waine
  • Cristina Tamayo
  • Christian Boyer
  • Begonia Gomez
  • Bonnie Svec
  • Luisa Pomar
  • Luisa Colom
  • Trevor Rowntree
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