Justice for Innocent Puppies Allegedly Punched, Kicked, and Beaten to Death

Target: Superintendent Scott Tanner, Head of the New England Police District

Goal: Ensure stringent legal action against the individual accused of heinous acts towards puppies.

Reports have emerged of a deeply disturbing incident involving alleged animal cruelty in Moree. On a seemingly ordinary afternoon, an individual was reportedly seen assaulting puppies in a horrific manner. This shocking event has not only stirred emotions but also raised serious questions about animal welfare and legal accountability.

Further details indicate the man’s allegedly aggressive actions were not isolated. He is accused of killing and disposing of two puppies, a revelation that adds a distressing layer to this case. The community’s distress over this news is palpable, underscoring the urgent need for a thorough investigation and legal action. All remaining dogs in the man’s possession were seized, a small solace in this troubling situation.

The necessity of this petition stems from a collective responsibility to protect the vulnerable and voiceless. Demand that the individual allegedly responsible for these acts faces appropriate legal consequences. Only through strict enforcement of animal cruelty laws can we hope to prevent such alleged atrocities in the future.


Dear Superintendent Scott Tanner,

I am writing to you regarding the deeply unsettling case of alleged animal cruelty that recently came to light in Moree. A man is accused of inflicting severe harm on puppies, an act that has profoundly disturbed the community. This letter represents a collective plea for justice and accountability.

This case, with its alleged details of kicking, punching, and even killing puppies, reflects a level of brutality that cannot be ignored. It is essential that these allegations are taken seriously and that thorough legal proceedings are pursued to ensure justice is served. The community looks to your office to uphold the law and protect the innocent.

We urge you to take decisive action in this matter. The allegations, if proven true, warrant significant legal consequences. It is crucial for society to send a clear message that such acts of cruelty towards animals are unacceptable and will be met with the full force of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Noel Blck


  1. Mariangela Canzi says:

    I can’t understand how this cruel man could kill two innocent and defenceless dogs! Puppies are sentient beings who suffer just like us! He must be charged and punished to the fullest extent of the law. Send him to jail right now!

  2. Jaime Perez says:

    Get this ugly monster out of society! He’s a murderer of innocent babies.

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  • Paulina Levinzon
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