Dog Who Allegedly Suffered Fractured Skull and Severe Burns Deserves Justice

Target: Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Goal: Enact stringent measures to prevent animal cruelty and ensure justice for the tortured dog in South London.

In a South London alleyway, a horrifying scene emerged. A dog, exhibiting traits of the XL bully breed, was reportedly discovered in a brutalized state. Reportedly burnt and with one ear cut off and legs tied, the creature lay lifeless in front of garages on Waltham Road, Carshalton. This appalling act, apparently happening hours before the UK government’s ban on XL bully dogs, raises grave concerns about animal welfare and the enforcement of new regulations.

The RSPCA’s investigation paints a grim picture. The male dog, reportedly suffering from a fractured skull and severe burns, was found on Dec 30. Whether the alleged injuries were due to a vehicular accident or inflicted intentionally remains unclear. However, the timing of this incident – coinciding with the implementation of strict rules on XL bully dogs – cannot be overlooked. This act of alleged cruelty may reflect broader issues tied to the breed’s ban, raising questions about the treatment of these dogs.

The need for action is urgent. The government’s ban aims to address the risks associated with certain dog breeds. Yet, as animal welfare groups like the RSPCA have warned, such measures could lead to unintended consequences, including increased cases of abandonment and abuse. This particular case, where a dog was subjected to unspeakable violence, underscores the necessity of not just regulations, but also education and enforcement to safeguard animal welfare. Demand comprehensive strategies to combat such heinous acts and ensure justice for the victims.


Dear Prime Minister Rishi Sunak,

We are deeply disturbed by the recent incident in South London, where a dog was allegedly found in an appalling state – burnt, mutilated, and dead. This apparent cruel act, occurring just before the enforcement of new regulations on XL bully dogs, highlights a significant gap in animal welfare protection and enforcement. As Prime Minister, your leadership in addressing this issue is crucial.

The gruesome nature of this crime, with the dog reportedly suffering severe burns and a fractured skull, indicates a level of brutality that must be confronted and punished. It raises serious questions about the effectiveness of current animal protection laws and their enforcement. With the new regulations targeting specific breeds, there is a heightened risk of such acts becoming more frequent, as seen in the recent surge of abandonment and abuse cases following the ban’s announcement.

We urge you to take decisive action. Strengthen the enforcement of animal cruelty laws and ensure that those responsible for such barbaric acts are brought to justice. Moreover, consider revising the approach towards breed-specific legislation, focusing instead on responsible ownership, education, and community support to prevent such tragedies. The safety and welfare of all animals in the United Kingdom must be a priority, and this incident serves as a stark reminder of the work that remains to be done.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: MrsRoberson


  1. Hang all these Evil Savages.
    Animal Torture IS A CRIME!

  2. Alice K. Knight says:

    This is a catastrophe to say the least. Is this how a humane being treats a pet? There are other humane ways of dealing with what is happening to this breed. Please show some respect towards your pet. Is this how pet owners of this breed will be potentially disposing of them? Has the government suggested any humane alternatives? If this is the government’s decision, should they not suggest to people what they can do?

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