Justice for Dog Allegedly Beaten to Death

Target: Katherine Fernandez, Miami-Dade State Attorney

Goal: Punish those responsible for the merciless beating and tragic demise of a defenseless Yorkie mix.

A shocking incident of animal cruelty has emerged from Miami. Lindsay Valcin, 31, stands accused of inflicting severe harm on a Yorkie mix. Her actions, as detailed in an arrest report, paint a harrowing picture. Police were alerted to the situation after an anonymous tip. A neighbor provided video evidence, capturing the alleged brutality. This incident not only raises questions about individual responsibility but also spotlights a societal need to protect the voiceless.

The video reportedly shows Valcin assaulting the dog, her actions cruel and relentless. According to the report, the dog was punched several times, verbally abused, and even slammed into a glass door. These details, disturbing yet crucial, highlight the gravity of the situation. Such acts, if proven true, represent a blatant disregard for life and wellbeing. The community’s outcry over this incident underscores a collective desire for justice and change.

This case demands more than just passing attention; it calls for action. Ensuring accountability in such matters is essential. The alleged actions in this case warrant thorough investigation and appropriate legal consequences. Urge immediate and decisive action against those responsible for this cruelty.


Dear Katherine Fernandez,

We write to you regarding a deeply disturbing case of alleged animal cruelty. Lindsay Valcin, 31, is accused of brutally assaulting a small Yorkie mix. This incident, which came to light following an anonymous tip, has caused widespread outrage. The provided video evidence captures the alleged attack, displaying actions of a distressingly violent nature. These actions, if true, are not just a violation of animal rights but also a profound moral failing.

The details of this incident are not merely upsetting; they are a call to action. The dog was allegedly punched, insulted, and violently slammed against a glass door. Such acts of cruelty cannot and should not go unchecked. Our community, our legal system, must respond with firmness and resolve. This case is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to justice and the protection of the vulnerable.

Therefore, we urge you to take swift and meaningful action. This case must not be treated as just another file on a desk. It demands your immediate attention and a strong legal response. We must ensure that those responsible for such heinous acts are held accountable. Our society’s humanity is measured by how we treat the most vulnerable among us. Let this case be an example of our unwavering commitment to justice and compassion.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Eric Sonstroem


  1. Outraged!! Animal abuse HAS TO STOP!! These criminals needs severe punishment and JAIL time so they don’t continue to do this to helpless animals, and then move on to children.

  2. Jennifer Lockett says:

    Put her in prison.

  3. Kill that bitch!

  4. Mariangela Canzi says:

    Poor loving dog!
    The perpetrators must be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

  5. Torture this EVIL slut to death

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