Justice for Animals Brutally Decapitated and Tortured in Graveyards

Target: Kathy Hochul, Governor of New York

Goal: Ensure justice for innocent animals tortured and brutally killed.

In the serene environment of Union Cemetery on Long Island, a horrifying scene emerged, shattering its peace.

Amidst autumn’s fallen leaves, fruits, and vegetables, a ghastly sight caught people’s attention: beheaded poultry and a dove, lifeless and discarded. This appalling discovery wasn’t isolated. Another incident, just as gruesome, involved a decapitated chicken and coconut chunks, found by a passerby. These incidents, occurring within a month of each other, have alarmed the community, raising urgent calls for action.

Suffolk County SPCA Chief Roy Gross described these acts as torturous, involving animals suffering painfully before their untimely death. Perpetrators used dull knives, intentionally inflicting extreme pain. These events, suspected as ritualistic animal sacrifices, reflect a disturbing trend in the area. Another instance at Old Baptist Cemetery in Coram involved similarly decapitated chickens, hinting at a pattern of cruelty and disregard for life. These vivid and unsettling details evoke a strong emotional response, highlighting the urgency of this petition.

We implore immediate action to halt these barbaric acts. It’s not just about law enforcement; it’s about safeguarding basic decency and respect for life. The demand is clear: thorough investigation, legal action against those responsible, and measures to prevent future occurrences. The community cannot stand idle while such cruelty unfolds in its graveyards, desecrating not just the resting places but the very ethos of our society.


Dear Governor Kathy Hochul,

In recent weeks, Union Cemetery on Long Island has become a scene of repeated, grotesque incidents, far removed from its purpose as a place of rest and remembrance. The discovery of beheaded animals, believed to be the victims of ritualistic sacrifice, has shocked and distressed our community. These acts, described in harrowing detail by Suffolk County SPCA Chief Roy Gross, involved extreme and deliberate cruelty. The methodical infliction of pain upon these animals before their death is not only barbaric but raises significant concerns about the moral fabric of our society.

This petition calls for your urgent attention and action. The pattern of these incidents, including similar occurrences at Old Baptist Cemetery, suggests a disturbing trend that must be addressed. We seek a comprehensive investigation into these acts of cruelty, ensuring that those responsible are held accountable under the law. Additionally, it’s imperative to implement preventive measures to safeguard other animals from such heinous acts.

Our plea is straightforward: justice for the innocent victims and a steadfast commitment to prevent such atrocities in the future. The community of Suffolk County looks to your office for leadership in upholding the law and moral decency. We trust that you will act swiftly and decisively in response to these alarming events.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Diego Delso, delso.photo, License CC-BY-SA


  1. Maureen Henderson says:

    An eye for an eye justice. Ugly vicious Yanks. Deplorable useless nothings fit for the rubbish bin. They wouldn’t be missed
    Do the USA a favour, annihilate them before they get bored and move onto your citizens.

  2. Jaime Perez says:

    There are some sick,soulless devils out there who need to be found and beat with a steel bat!!

  3. Sicko mother fuckers get the fuck out our country with your barbaric ritualistic animal sacrifices devil worshippers! Fuck your religion!

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1317 Signatures

  • Caroline Lockett
  • Wendy Parker
  • Nataša Stojanović
  • anna di bitonto
  • Aydin Kaltemir
  • Mathias Vogt
  • Fabian Müller
  • Joseph Harvey
  • Eleonora Haas
  • Vincent L
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