Target: Steve Mulroy, District Attorney for Shelby County, TN
Goal: Punish man accused of shooting and killing dog if he is found guilty.
A witness reportedly saw a horrific act of animal cruelty unfold in Memphis, Tennessee. The person claimed to see a man drag a dog into a wooded area. Shortly thereafter, the witness apparently heard several gunshots. The dog then seemingly fled from the area with a wound to the head. In an even more disturbing turn of events, the suspect allegedly caught and dragged the pup again…this time behind a dumpster. The witness reported more gunshots, and authorities later discovered a deceased dog at the dumpster site.
Officers also reportedly confiscated a firearm from the car of the suspect, John Coleman. This man has since been arrested on aggravated animal cruelty charges. If he did indeed commit such a brazen act in plain view, he needs to face severe consequences.
Sign the petition below to demand this suspect be prosecuted to the fullest extent.
Dear DA Mulroy,
A defenseless dog was allegedly dragged, shot, stalked, and then shot again in view of a Memphis witness. This poor animal apparently died as a result. Think about the terror and pain that must have been felt by this living being.
Please do not let this horrendous case go unpunished. Suspect John Coleman was found with a gun; the actions he took with the firearm appear to have been calculated and malicious. If he is guilty, he needs to face the maximum punishment for justice’s sake and to prevent further escalation of such cold cruelty.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Em on Earth
He is dangerous, with no respect for life, please find and prosecute him as soon as possible!
What a depraved and despicable act of cowardice. If the poor dog was not right for this monster he had options and killing a defenseless animal is never a decent or defensible action. He should be charged, prosecuted and jailed. Lifetime ban on animal contact and a huge fine to be distributed to area animal shelters. He has no anger control, no morals and no right to kill something for his own failings.
This vile sever animal abusing scumbag, definitely requires instigation of the death penalty.
Shelby Tennessee is nationally known for cruelty to horses (soring even though illegal) they get away with it! FEEL PITY FOR ANY ANIMAL LIVING THERE. Seems these people are “special” and allowed to mistreat animals. Sickening.
This act of this killing of an innocent dog is horrific! I just don’t understand what possesses people to commit these cruelties.
As if shooting the dog in the head wasn’t enough he inflicts the dog with more agony, pain and later death. There is no reason for this to have happened. Everyone has the “rite to bear arms”. of course you do. Go back and revisit your constitution perhaps it is need of some changes.
This disgusting waste of flesh deserves a long jail sentence. He’s a murderer!