Target: Baron John McFall, Lord Speaker of UK Parliament
Goal: Support enhanced legal protections for animals bred for and subjected to cruel experimentation.
When roughly 4,000 beagles were rescued from an Envigo research and breeding facility in Virginia, it spurred hope that the horrors of animal experimentation were finally being taken seriously. The Envigo facility was shuttered, and new state laws protecting these animals have been enacted. Unfortunately, the same just outcome cannot be claimed for a strikingly similar case in the United Kingdom (UK).
MBR Acres in Cambridgeshire is a farm that breeds beagles for the purpose of shipping them off to animal research centers. The dogs bred at the facility reportedly endure a miserable life wherein they are kept in cramped facilities and forced to give birth to thousands of beagles collectively every year. Once born, the pups apparently face an even more bleak future.
After they arrive at their new “homes,” they are allegedly force-fed or forced to inhale toxic substances. If these poisons do not immediately give them heart attacks or otherwise kill them, the torturous process begins anew. The beagles are not even afforded a dignified death, as their bodies are sliced and diced so they can be “studied.” While these horrors unfold, authorities are busy arresting activists who dare to protest this sanctioned animal cruelty.
Sign the petition below to demand a change to heartless laws that protect the heinous and punish the compassionate.
Dear Lord Speaker McFall,
“Criminal damage”: these words are used to describe charges against people who attempt to liberate innocent living beings from a life of misery, abuse, and torture. Cambridgeshire research and breeding facilities have been the site of frequent protests for years, with the most recent resulting in the arrest of nearly a dozen people for the aforementioned charges. Not once, however, have these facilities faced the same level of scrutiny.
Thousands of beagles have passed through the facilities. Instead of being beloved pets, these animals are instead used as guinea pigs for the most excruciating toxic substances and reportedly deliberately given grave illnesses. None of this so-called research has resulted in a meaningful scientific breakthrough. They are bred in places that trade in exploitation and unrelenting factory farming that is its own kind of horror.
When a similar case recently occurred in the United States, the animals (thousands of which had already died) were rescued and the facility that harmed them shut down. Where is the accountability in Cambridgeshire and across the United Kingdom? Please advocate for stronger laws that will protect these innocent animals from a lifetime of abject terror in the so-called name of science.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Timo Piredda
Experiment on scumbag human criminals and NOT on animals!
Experiment on scumbag human criminals and NOT on animals!