Target: Rachel Mitchell, Maricopa County Attorney
Goal: Fully penalize woman accused of starving and neglecting dog if found guilty.
“A skeleton”: veterinarians reportedly used this term to describe the condition of a dog that they examined after the animal died. The emaciation was apparently so severe that a body condition index given to the dog only yielded a score of one out of a possible nine. The examiners determined the cause of death to be severe underfeeding.
The dog also showed signs of two other diseases: parvovirus and aspiration pneumonia, the latter of which would have made breathing extremely difficult. The alleged lack of medical care given to the animal prior to death could be more evidence of long-term neglect. The woman supposedly caring for the dog, Deanndra Robbins, now faces animal cruelty charges.
Sign the petition below to urge prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
Dear Ms. Mitchell,
A local woman has been accused of starving her pet dog to the extent that the animal was rendered a skeleton. She also may have done nothing to secure clinical aid for this dog after troubling symptoms of other ailments emerged. This animal was reportedly only provided food and taken to a veterinarian after the ravaging of the body turned deadly.
Please send a message that the care of any animal is not a hobby nor an inconvenience but a serious responsibility with serious repercussions if this duty is abandoned. Seek maximum charges and mandate mental health treatment if deemed necessary.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Simon Robben
Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law for egregious animal abuse, cruelty and neglect leading to death. BAN her from ever purchasing, owning, caring for, working with or living with any animals ever again.