Don’t Euthanize Bear Named ‘Hank the Tank’ for Destroying Property in Search of Food

Target: Peter Tira, Information Officer for California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Goal: Safely relocate a 500-pound bear instead of opting for euthanasia.

A 500-pound black bear named Hank the Tank is breaking into homes in Lake Tahoe, California looking for meals. He has damaged nearly thirty properties on his quest and avoided capture for nearly seven months. He has never harmed any humans when he breaks into homes. There is no denying that he could eventually be a threat to humans, but that does not mean he should be killed.

Peter Tira, Information Officer for California Department of Fish and Wildlife, has stated that Hank’s size and strength is what makes this so frightening. A homeowner association has agreed to allow wildlife personnel to capture the bear but they are strongly against killing him. They only want a capture that ensures the bear’s safety and relocation to a sanctuary or zoo.

The department calls euthanasia the last option, yet they keep giving excuses on why it is possible they will kill the bear. Tira even stating there will be no fairytale ending and that bears like Hank cannot survive in sanctuaries. The reality is that relocating the bear to a sanctuary will give him a chance at life. He does not deserve to be killed when there is hope. It seems there are excuses being given to the public by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife as to why Hank’s capture will ultimately lead to his death, even though the residents do not want that at all and have strongly opposed the idea.

Residents believe that it is not the bear’s fault that he’s become comfortable around people and attached to their food. They believe that Hank wants human food largely because tourists didn’t know how to properly keep their food away from the bears.

Sign below and demand that the California Department of Fish and Wildlife listen to the public and residents to make sure Hank the Tank is not killed.


Dear Peter Tira,

There are options before killing Hank the Tank. Whether or not you believe that he has no chance of survival at a sanctuary, it is still a chance for him to experience life safely. He may survive and thrive at a sanctuary but will have no chance of that if he is euthanized. We demand you listen to the public, the petitions, and the residents urges to save Hank the Tank from being inhumanely killed.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Thomas Fuhrmann 


  1. After the wildfire in the Tahoe area bears (and other wildlife) are being forced out of their natural home range in search of food to supplant what the fires destroyed. This bear has done no wrong, he is simply trying to survive and he should be relocated, not killed. He doesn’t know what a property line is and should not be killed for the convenience of area residents or the F&W service.

  2. This poor defencless bear is just trying to survive.Of course he requires food and relocation.If he is killed then the scumbags involved will pay bigtime!!!!!! OH YESSS!!!!

  3. Agree all comments he should be moved somewhere else as the poor thing needs food. How would people like it if we killed them looking for food. This is bullshit kill the fuckers who want to kill the bear for wanting some food. People should be ashamed to let this happen the world is fucken cruel dont give a fuck about animals . I dont give a fuck about people I would save a animal before people.

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  • Vincent L
  • Kathy Harris
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Flora Psarianos
  • Alice Rim
  • Donna Jones
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  • Tyra Tabor
  • Evan Jane Kriss
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