Man Accused of Forcing Nearly 200 Dogs Into Fighting Ring Needs Prison Sentence

Target: Acting United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Oklahoma, Christopher J. Wilson

Goal: Give person reportedly responsible for breeding and using pit bull-type dogs to fight each other maximum sentence.

One hundred ninety pit bull-type dogs were sold and forced to attack each other in dog fighting rings, while other dogs were used to breed more fighting dogs, according to police. Leshon Eugene Johnson was reportedly not only responsible for the crimes, but was also said to have delivered dogs to owners for the purpose of forcing them to fight in other arenas. He needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if it is found he committed these inexcusable acts.

According to records, Johnson has participated in past dog fighting ventures. As a result, police were able to quickly find and arrest him for his alleged current involvement in breeding and fighting these dogs. Reports indicate that the number of dogs seized in the operation were among the highest number of dogs rescued in this type of illegal setting. Johnson is further accused of breeding dogs that have records of winning three to five fights for the purpose of trying to ensure that the new puppies will develop similar fighting traits and abilities. Police claimed that Johnson then sold the newly bred puppies to people who operate smaller dog fighting rings.

Additionally, Johnson was said to sell stud rights to people who held such operations, meaning that these owners allegedly paid a lot of money to breed their female dogs with champion male stud dogs to try and ensure the newborn puppies would become vicious killers. Johson is, therefore, thought to have greatly contributed to the spreading of the sport across the United States, while also profiting greatly.

As a result of rescuing the dogs that Johnson reportedly abused, other innocent animals will also likely be saved from dying by the hands of this cruel fate.

Sign this petition to demand he be given the maximum penalty under law if he is found guilty of committing these unforgivable acts to better ensure more innocent dogs will be rescued.


Dear Acting Attorney Wilson,

Leshon Eugene Johnson reportedly used and sold 190 innocent dogs to fight in dogfighting rings and also was suspected of selling stud rights to others who were in charge of similar operations. According to authorities, this is among the highest number of animals used for dog fighting and related breeding purposes in the United States. Johnson has been arrested in the past for similar crimes and is thought to be responsible for this insidious blood sport spreading across the country. It is important that he receive the maximum legal penalty if these allegations are found to be true so that other helpless dogs will be less likely to suffer and die.

Operating illegal dog fighting operations is also suspected to lead to other organized crime ventures, including the possession of illegal weapons and illegal gambling, which only serves to perpetuate the cycle of these animals continuously being bred and abused for fighting purposes. If Johnson is found guilty and is not given the harshest legal penalty, many more dogs will likely suffer painful deaths as a result of his actions. I therefore demand you suggest that Johnson and anyone else found to be responsible for the torture and deaths of these dogs be sent to prison for the maximum time period allowed and that they further no longer be allowed to own dogs so that helpless animals will be less likely to needlessly suffer.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pixabay

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