Target: Jessica Cardone, Acting Prosecutor for Warren County, NJ
Goal: Prosecute man accused of repeatedly failing to comply with loose dog citations, allegedly resulting in pet dog’s death, to fullest extent.
Vehicle strikes tragically kill many pets every year. The incidents endanger both unsuspecting animals and human drivers, who may be forced to suddenly swerve to avoid a pet in the road. While many such cases are unavoidable accidents, in some instances negligence may play a role. Authorities allege negligence contributed to the death of a New Jersey dog and led to the subsequent arrest of the dog’s caretaker.
David Black was charged with animal cruelty after one of his pet dogs was fatally wounded by a passing car. When they arrived on the scene, officers reportedly discovered a crashed car, one uninjured dog, and another dog with deadly injuries. Black had a long history with authorities, as he was cited more than 20 times for allegedly allowing his dogs to run loose. Despite repeated attempts by authorities to work with Black, he reportedly never amended this dangerous behavior. Now, his pet dog has seemingly paid the price.
The third-degree charges brought against this s suspect carry a possible penalty of five years in prison. Sign the petition below to demand prosecutors pursue the maximum punishment for this alleged repeat offender.
Dear Prosecutor Cardone,
“We are all saddened by the outcome of the dog that passed away. Animal Control Officers did everything within their legal authority to attempt to rectify the situation before this accident occurred.” The chief of police made this statement following a dog’s tragic passing from a vehicle strike. The chief’s words allude to the numerous citations for loose dogs reportedly handed down to the dog’s owner, David Black, in the weeks before the fatal incident.
Black has been charged with third-degree animal cruelty for allegedly enabling a tragic accident that not only endangered his pets but passing motorists as well. The vehicle involved in the incident reportedly experienced a crash. Plus, increasing reports of maulings are often attributable to loose, dangerous pets. This suspect must be held accountable for his alleged reckless negligence. If more legal vigilance had been pursued earlier, this animal’s life might have been spared. Please see this case through and ensure a conviction that reflects the gravity of the reported offenses.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Daniel Frank
and THIS RIGHT HERE is why leashes are sooooo important!!! a leash can (and in this case WOULD HAVE) saved his dog’s life. HOW IRRESPONSIBLE!